Stefanie Elbern

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Area of Specialization
Area Studies - East Asia (University of Cologne), law, economics  
Department ZEFa - Department for Political and Cultural Change
Current Research Topics

State and Civil Society Activities in the field of Children's Rights: Implementation and Socialization of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in the People's Republic of China

Further Research Topics Establish and maintain contact with Topics German and European Human Rights NGO's and other relevant development institutions
Contacts / Partners / Funding Institutions Church Development Service - An Association of the Protestant Churches in Germany (Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst)

Stefanie Elbern und Conrad Schetter, Afghanistan: Ohne Staat und Zivilgesellschaft keine Entwicklung. Wider die Gewaltökonomie. E+Z Jg. 44, Heft 3/2003, S. 128.

Stefanie Elbern, Das erste nationale Bevölkerungs- und Geburtenplanungsgesetz der VR China - Auf dem Weg zu normativer Stabilität (Kom. u. Übers.); China aktuell, 03/2002, Seite 275ff.  
Dr. C. Jones-Pauly and Stefanie Elbern (eds.): Access to Justice: The Role of Court Administrators and Lay Adjudicators in the African and Islamic Contexts (forthcoming, Kluwer Law International, 2002)  
Economic Institutional Evolution and Further Needs for Adjustments: Township village enterprises in China (ZEF Discussion Paper No. 56, in co-operation with Dr. Qiuxia Zhu, ZEF b)

Curriculum Vitae