Dr. John Mburu

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Area of Specialization
Environmental and resource economics, Cost-benefit analysis, Institutions for natural resource management.
Department ZEFb - Economic and Technological Change (Prof. Klaus Frohberg)
Current Research Topics Economic valuation of forests and, animal and crop genetic resources in Ethiopia and Kenya; Analysis of efficiency in management approaches of biodiversity; Economic analysis of legal and policy options for conservation of genetic resources in Ethiopia and Kenya; Incentives for conservation
Further Research Topics Spatial modeling of driving forces of land use/cover change in Kakamega (Kenya) and Bundongo (Uganda) forests
Contacts / Partners / Funding Institutions Funding Institutions: BMBF, BMZ/GTZ

see http://www.biota-africa.org ; see www.grpi.org


Mburu J. and Wale E., (in press). Local Organizations Involved in Conserving Crop Genetic Resources in Ethiopia and Kenya: Conditions for their Emergence and Success in Ethiopia and Kenya. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

Irungu C., Manfred Z. and Mburu J., (in press). Assessing NGDOs' Targeting Performance and Characteristics of Households Participating in Child Development Programmes in Rural Eastern Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics

Mburu J., 2004. Wildlife Conservation and Management in Kenya: Towards a Co-management Approach. FEEM Working Papers Series No. 47. 04.

Mburu J., Birner R. and Zeller M., 2003. Relative Importance and Determinants of Landowners’ Transaction Costs in Collaborative wildlife management in Kenya: An empirical analysis. Ecological Economics 45, Vol 1, 59-73

Mburu J., 2002. Collaborative Management of Wildlife in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis of Stakeholders’ Participation, Costs and Incentives. Socio-economic Studies on Rural Development Vol. 130. Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG, Kiel, Germany.

Mburu J. and Birner R., 2002. Analysing the efficiency of collaborative wildlife management: The case of two community wildlife sanctuaries in Kenya. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 5, 3 & 4, 259-297.

Curriculum Vitae
 University Lecturing University of Bonn, summer semester 2003: Theorie der ökonomischen Entwicklung (Theories of economic development)
ZEF doctoral studies program, 2003/2004
ZEF doctoral studies program, 2004/2005