Archive 2005

October 2005 - Susanne Herbst successfully defended her PhD on "Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Diarrhoeal Diseases in the Aral Sea area (Khorezm, Uzbekistan)" on Oktober 18. The exam committee consisted of PD Dr. Thomas Kistmemann, Institute for Hygiene and Public Health (first supervisor) and Prof. Dr. Paul Vlek (second supervisor), Prof. Dr. Armin Skowronek, Prof. Dr. Jean Thein, PD Dr. Christopher Martius

September 2005 - Caleb Wall from New Zealand, one of our doctoral students, was awarded a GEO-4 Fellowship by UNEP. Caleb Wall, who is currently on field research in Uzbekistan, was invited as a GEO Fellow for the first Chapter 10 meeting, which took place on September 7-9 2005 in New York. The second meeting he will attend is the second production and author's meeting on GEO-4 in Nairobi in March 2006.

June 2005 - On June 23, Akmal Akramkhanov defended his doctoral thesis successfully on “The Spatial Distribution of Soil Salinity: detection and prediction”, supervised by Prof. Vlek and Prof. Skowronek.

June 2005 Christopher Martius participated in two meetings held at BMBF and GTZ, respectively, on June 17 and 30, 2005, to discuss the future cooperation with GTZ in ZEF's Uzbekistan project.

June 2005 Prof. Paul Vlek and Dr. Christopher Martius participated in the International Conference "Land and Water Use in Khorezm, Uzbekistan", organized by the State University Urgench, on June 7-8, 2005 in Urgench, Uzbekistan. Prof. Vlek gave a presentation "The Millennium Goals and Their Relevance for Development". Christopher Martius gave a presentation on "Modeling and Decision Support".

June 2005 - On the 8th of June Paul L.G. Vlek was awarded the distinction of Honorable Professor of Urgench State University for “the successful development of the scientific and technical cooperation between Urgench State University and Bonn University, and for the great contribution made to the training of highly qualified specialists, and, for his work in organizing research conducted on the restructuring of land and water use in Khorezm.”

May 2005 - Irina Forkutsa, Asia Khamzina, Hayot Ibrakhimov and Dr. Christopher Martius participate in the 21st European Regional Conference of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), May 15-19, 2005, in Frankfurt/Oder.

April 2005 - Dr. Christopher Martius also gave a presentation on "Nachhaltige Wasser- und Landnutzung im Aralseebecken: Ein integrierter Ansatz am Beispiel Khorezm, Usbekistan" at the Institute of Soil Science of the University of Bonn, April 21 2005.

April 2005 - Dr. Christopher Martius and Dr. Günther Strunz of the DLR (partner in the Uzbekistan project) gave a presentation on "Ökonomische und Ökologische Umstrukturierung der Land- und Wassernutzung in der Region Khorezm (Usbekistan)" at the Symposium "Geowissenschaftlich orientierte Zentralasienforschung in Deutschland" in Rauischholzhausen, April 14 - 16 2005.

January 2005 - Hayot Ibrakhimov, the first PhD student of the Uzbekistan project, finished his PhD in December 2004 and has been awarded with a Postdoctoral stipend by the INTAS program.


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