Batch 2010

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George Adayi-Nwoza Adiah

Mr. Adiah was a Principal Research Assistant in the Economics Division at I.S.S.E.R., University of Ghana, Legon. Mr. Adiah graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science (BSc (Hons)) in Mathematics and proceeded to the University of Ghana where he obtained a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Economics in 2004. His research interests are in econometrics, poverty related issues and social and cultural foundations of household consumption behaviour and patterns in Ghana.

The proposed topic for PhD research is:

Synopsis of PhD Research

Unequal opportunities caused by circumstances at birth, such as gender, ethnicity, place of origin, and family background, which are beyond the control of the individual; determine the outcomes that individuals are able to achieve in life. This is widely seen as fundamentally unfair, and unfairness bothers people and can lead to social conflict. This study attempts to investigate the inequality of opportunity in Ghana and it’s effect on poverty. Using three waves of the Ghana Living Standard Survey data (GLSS III, IV & V), the study constructs a Human Opportunity index, constructs cohorts and also uses the decomposition approach to measure inequality of opportunity for pseudo panel data analysis.

It is hoped that the study will serve as a guide to policy makers to give them insight into the inequality of opportunities in Ghana and to come up with relevant policy recommendations to address these issues.

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