Helena Cermeño

Research themes
  • Governance
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
  • Growth, inequality and poverty
  • Methods
  • Development Politics
  • Urbanisation
Research countries
  • Germany
  • India
  • Pakistan
Research projects

ZEF- GCU (08/2011 – 12/2013): German-Pakistani Research Collaboration and Academic Capacity Building Programme

Additional information

Since 10.2016 working as 'Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin' at the University of Kassel (Germany). Faculty: FB06 ASL Architektur - Stadtplanung - Landschaftsplanung Institut für urbane Entwicklungen FG Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie. Phone: +49 561 804-72


Architect & Urban Planner [Exp. Development Cooperation] (2010, Spain; eq. Dipl.-Ing.) M.Sc. Water Management (2013, Germany)

Doctoral research funded by

AA via German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) La Caixa Foundation, (Spain)

Cooperation partners

Government College University (GCU), Lahore, Pakistan Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), Amritsar, India

Supervisors of
doctoral work

First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carsten Keller (Universität Kassel)

Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter


Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Katja Mielke (BICC)


Bernhardt, F.; Bretfeld, N.; Buzwan-Morell, J.; Cermeño, H.; Doukas, S.; Güde, E.; Hörburger, C.; Keller.; Koch, F.  2024.  StadtTeilen: Neue Praktiken gemeinschaftlicher Nutzung urbaner Räume.  Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8394-6633-9. (Open Acess) Further Information


Zydowitz, J. von & Cermeño, H.  2024.  Must Gandhi also Fall? Reassembling #BlackLivesMatter’s Translocal Activism and Urban Fallist Movements.  In: G. Bozoğlu, G. Campbell, L. Smith and C. Whitehead (eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of Heritage and Politics . London: Routledge.   Further Information


Cermeño, H.  2023.  Access to the city: Unravelling urban governance practices, access to housing, services and resulting processes of social inclusion and exclusion in Amritsar and Lahore..  Doctoral Thesis submitted at the Department of Urban & Regional Sociology I Institute of Urban DevelopmentI Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning, University of Kassel, Germany. 
Cermeño, H., & Mielke, K..  2023.  Endangered urban commons: Lahore’s violent heritage management and prospects for reconciliation.  Urban Planning, 8(1)   : 83-98   . Further Information


Cermeño, H., Bretfeld, N., & Bernhardt, F.  2022.  Knowledge Practices Within and Beyond Sharing and Commoning Urban Initiatives.  Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4   : Article 767365   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Forschungsteam StadtTeilen (Bernhardt, F.; Bretfeld, N.; Buzwan-Morell, J.; Cermeño, H.; Doukas, S.; Güde, E.; Hörburger, C.; Keller.; Koch, F.).  2022.  Teilen in der Nachbarschaft. In Común - Magazine für Stadtpolitische Interventionen. 
Petrescu, D., Cermeño, H., Keller, C., Moujan, C., Belfield, A., Koch, F., Goff, D., Schalk, M., & Bernhardt, F.  2022.  Sharing and Space-Commoning Knowledge Through Urban Living Labs Across Different European Cities.  Urban Planning, 7(3)   : 254–273   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Bernhardt F.; Cermeño, H., Keller C. and Koch F.  2021.  Netzwerke des Teilens in Quartieren unter Spannung: Typen und Logiken des Teilens in innerstädtischen Nachbarschaften. In Gesellschaft unter Spannung, 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association (GSA).  Further Information
Cermeño, H.  2021.  Living and Planning on the Edge: Unravelling Conflict and Claim-Making in Peri-Urban Lahore, Pakistan.  Urban Planning, 6 (2)   : 189-201   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Cermeño, H..  2021.  Looking at the city from below: How ‘access’ approach and ‘city-scapes’ contribute to the understanding of marginalization in Amritsar, India.  In: N. Kirmani (eds.): Marginalization, Contestation and Change in South Asian Cities. Karachi: Oxford University Press.   56-84. 
Cermeño, H. and Baldewein T.  2021.  Digitale-Konferenzen in der Stadtplanung: Fachtagungen im digitalen Raum als Chance für die Entwicklung inklusiver, kreativer und resilienter Lernformate.  RaumPlanung, 210 (1)   : 66-72   .
Mielke, K. and Cermeño, H.  2021.  Mitigating Pro-poor Housing Failures: Access Theory and the Politics of Urban Governance.  Politics and Governance, 9 (2)   : 439–450   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Bernhardt F.; Cermeño, H., Keller C., and Koch F.  2020.  Stadtmachen durch StadtTeilen: Typen und Logiken des Teilens in innerstädtischen Nachbarschaften. In Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.), 2020 : 123-127.  Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (Zeitschrift des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.), 2020 Download [PDF]


Cermeño, H..  2019.  Heritage of inclusion or exclusion? Contested claims and access to housing in Amritsar, India.  In: Ristic M. and Frank, S. (eds.): Urban Heritage in Divided Cities. Routledge.   125–144. 


Cermeño, H., & Mielke, K.  2016.  Cityscapes of Lahore: Reimagining the Urban.  In Thaap Journal 2016: People’s history of Pakistan, Lahore: Pakistan, : 110-139   .


Barrera, A. & Cermeño, H.  2012.  OPPTA Intervenciones para la emergencia - Emergency Interventions. In: AV. Proyectos, Vol 53: 51-52. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Helena Cermeño

Junior Researcher

Cultural and Political Change

helena.cermeno(at)gmail.com; hcermeno@asl.uni-kassel.de

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