Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote

Additional Information:

Professor - Leibniz University Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade

Research affiliation

Leibniz Universitaet Hannover Institut fuer Umweltoekonomie und Welthandel (Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade) Koenigsworther Platz 1 30167 Hannover


Islam, MD. E., Grote, U. and MD. I. Rayhan.  2013.  Income Vulnerability of Rural Households in Bangladesh: a Comparison between Bayesian and Classical Methods.  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (6)   : 1179-1187   .


Grote, U. and Stellmacher, T...  2009.  Coffee Certification in the International Trade.  Aroma Coffee Magazine 1/2009. Coffee Business Publications, Hamburg.   6-11. 


Grote, U., E.T. Craswell and P.L.G. Vlek.  2008.  Nutrient and virtual water flows in traded agricultural commodities.  In: A.K. Braimoh and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Land Use and Soil Resources. Springer Science 7 Business Media B.V. Dordrecht, The Netherlands.   121-143. 


Birkmann,J., N. Fernando, S. Hettige, S. Amarasinghe, T. Jayasingam, D. Paranagama, M.D.A. Nandana, M. Nassel, S. Voigt, U. Grote, S. Engel, B. Schraven and J. Wolferts..  2007.  Rapid vulnerability assessment in Sri Lanka - post-tsunami study of two cities: Galle and Batticaloa.  In: United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn (eds.): .   Further Information
Grote, U., A.L. Basu and N. Chau.  2007.  New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling.  Physica-Verlag (a Springer company), . Heidelberg.


Grote, U..  2006.  Konzepte des Globalen Handels.  In: Ihne, H. und J. Wilhelm (eds.): Einführung in die Entwicklungspolitik. Lit-Verlag, Bonn.  


2005.  Was bedeuten liberalisierte Agrarmärkte für Nahrungsmittel importierende Entwicklungsländer?.  entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, Vol.39, 2/2005. DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.  
Grote, U. and P. Wobst.  2005.  Development Aid and the Financing of Food Security Projects and Programs - Situation and Perspective.  In: Schulz, M. and U. Kracht (eds.): Food and Nutrition Security in the Process of Globalization and Urbanization. Lit-Publisher/Münster-Germany and Transaction/Rudgers University - USA, Series Development Processes in Society, Economics and Politics, Vol.84, pp. 618-634..  
Grote, U., E.T. Craswell and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Nutrient flows in international trade: Ecology and policy issues.  Environmental Science & Policy, 8 (5)   : 439-451   .


Grote, U., A.K. Basu and N. Chau.  2004.  On Export Rivalry and the Greening of Agriculture: The Role of Eco-labels.  Agricultural Economics, 31 (2-3)   : 135-147   .


Grote U..  2003.  Führt internationale Konkurrenz im Agrarsektor zu niedrigeren Umweltstandards?.  In: Ahrens, H (eds.): Neuere Ansätze theoretischer und empirischer Entwicklungsforschung, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin.   323-348. 
Grote, U..  2003.  Regulations, standards and international trade.  agriculture and rural developmen, 10 (2)   : 28-31   .
Grote, U., A.K. Basu and N. Chau.  2003.  Eco-labeling and Stages of Development.  Review of Development Economics, 7 (2)   : 228-247   .


Grote U..  2002.  Environmental standards in developing countries.  In: Brouwer, F. and D. Ervin (eds.): Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade. CABI Publishing, Oxon and New York.   284-306. 


Grote, U. and S. Wolf.  2000.  andel, Entwicklung und Ernährungssicherung (Trade, Development and Food Security).  Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, ZEF Bonn and IFPRI (publ.): Jahrbuch Welternährung. Frankfurt/Main.

Grote U. and S. Engel.  Trade liberalization and environmental standards: Is there a race to the bottom for environmental reasons?.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 43 (2)   : 89-110   .

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Ulrike Grote

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