Batch 2010

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Bernard Afiik Akanpabadai Akanbang

Mr Akanbang has nearly three years of teaching experience in development planning and has been a development planning consultant in the water and sanitation sector since 2004. His research experience and interests are in monitoring and evaluation, community management, local governance, institutional development, knowledge management, water and sanitation, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) especially in the productive use or Multiple Use Services (MUS) of water at the local level etc. He has a commitment to improving the livelihoods and welfare of poor rural communities. Mr Akanbang holds both Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy Degrees in Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. The Master of Philosophy Degree was obtained under the Enhanced Research Capacity (ENRECA) Project cooperation between the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Denmark and the Department of Planning, KNUST, Ghana. Until January 2010, Mr Akanbang has been the Coordinator of the Planning Programme of the Faculty of Planning and Land Management of the University for Development Studies. He is presently a PhD Student of the ISSER-ZEF PhD in Development Studies Programme sponsored by DAAD. The proposed title of his thesis is: 'MakingGovernance Work for the Poor: A Case for Participatory Monitoring andEvaluation of Poverty Reduction Interventions in Ghana'.

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