Batch 2012

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John Boateng Abebrese

Mr. John Boateng Abebrese has been working as a research officer at the Parliamentary Service of Ghana. He holds an MPhil in Agribusiness from the University of Ghana. His research interest includes agribusiness, banking and finance, development and health economics.


The well-being of rural households is profoundly tied to farming. Rural farmers face a number of risks to their livelihoods which include unpredictability of the weather and crop price variation. But of all the risks facing rural farmers and given the application of rudimentary tools (which requires more of human effort), health risks pose the greatest threat to their lives and livelihoods. However, surveys have shown that health insurance coverage is lower among rural residents than urban residents. There is also evidence that insurance coverage in general is less for those with farming as a major occupation. This may be largely due to the seasonality of agricultural production with its resultant low and irregular income. The possibility is that in low income years, farmers may drop their insurance coverage. Besides, the health insurance scheme may not be able to provide access to large group of rural farmers who may not be part of an effective healthcare infrastructure of a network of clinics and hospitals, a necessary condition to provide healthcare for large dispersed rural populations. The study therefore seeks to examine rural farmers’ health insurance coverage, determinants, healthcare consumption and satisfaction in Ghana. The study will not only help in assessing whether the scheme is able to address the problem of social exclusion from access to social protection but also understanding consumer preferences and incorporating them into the design of insurance schemes may result in increased participation rates and ensuring the poor gain better access.


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