"ZEF ethics policy, and ethical clearance procedure"

Crossroads Asia Lecture by Joe Hill at ZEF in Bonn

This seminar will introduce and discuss the new ZEF Ethics Policy and ZEF Ethical Clearance Procedure, which is mandatory for all ZEF Researchers from the 15th January 2014. By ZEF Researchers, we mean all Junior Researchers, Senior Researchers, Research Fellows, and Research Assistants. The ZEF Ethics Policy and ZEF Ethical Clearance Procedure has been developed first and foremost to safeguard the rights of research participants and research assistants (and to protect the environment, organisms, animals and plants as applicable), but equally to ensure the researcher’s safety and well being, and also ZEF’s reputation as an international research institute. The newly developed Ethical Clearance Procedure will be discussed, by talking through the Ethical Clearance Form section-by-section. The Ethical Clearance Procedure will apply to all research which involves collection of primary data or the use of secondary data that contains personal or confidential information. Issues that will be touched upon during the introduction to the Ethical Clearance Procedure include confidentiality, informed consent (oral vs. written, and stages of consent), working with children and vulnerable/ dependent persons, payment to research participants and assistants, protection of animals, plants and ecosystems (including genetic resources), professional integrity, data security, and feedback to research participants.

Time and place: January 15th, 2014 at 11 am. ZEF, ground floor, right conference room.

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