Complex Systems Group (CSG)


Daniel Callo-Concha



Complex systems and its many embodiments: systems analysis, complexity science, systems thinking, etc. emerges as a scientific paradigm to address non-trivial and wicked questions beyond the corsets set by the positivistic and reductionistic thinking and doing.

A complex system is defined as one composed of numerous components with numerous types of relationships, and exhibiting different/more properties than the ones that each component shows individually., definition that suits most social, ecological and social-ecological phenomena, which are integral part of the research agenda of the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn and the Institute for Environmental Sciences (iES), University of Kaiserlslautern-Landau.

Both, active supporters of this initiative.


  • to contribute to disseminate approaches, frameworks and methods of complexity and systems science
  • to become a platform for extension, communication and exchange among academics, practitioners and beyond
  • to become a hub for networking, alliances and the underpinning of further initiatives, i.e., mentoring, diffusion and research
  • Altogether, to contribute to address (complex) real-world problems via systemic approaches

The CGS does not aim to become an autonomous instance, but a node of extension, communication and exchange among academics of different profiles, working in the founding institutes and universities, and beyond.



» Video on Youtube

Expert Talk: Mario Giampietro

» Video on Youtube

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