Dr. Krishna Prasad Devkota

Country of current residence

Cote d'Ivoire

Current position


Current institute employer

AfricaRice Center



Previous positions

2011 CIMMYT Regional Office in Nepal


Agricultural Engineer


Agronomy, crop modelling


Devkota K.P., A.M. Manschadi, M. Devkota, J.P.A. Lamers, E. Ruzibaev, O. Egamberdiev, E. Amiri and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Simulating the impact of climate change on rice phenology and grain yield in irrigated drylands of Central Asia.  American Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology , 52 (9)   : 2033-2050   . Further Information
Devkota, K.P., A.M. Manschadi, J.P.A. Lamers, E. Humphreys, M. Devkota, O. Egamberdiev, R.K. Gupta, K.D. Sayre and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under resource conservation technologies in the irrigated drylands of Central Asia.  Field Crops Research , 149   : 115-126   . Further Information
Devkota, M, C. Martius, J.P.A. Lamers, K.D. Sayre, K.P. Devkota, R.K. Gupta, O. Egamberdiev, P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Combining permanent beds and residue retention with nitrogen fertilization improves crop yields and water productivity in irrigated arid lands under cotton, wheat and maize.  Field Crops Research , 149   : 105-114   .


Devkota, K.  2011.  Resource utilization and sustainability of conservation based rice - wheat cropping systems in Central Asia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Devkota K P., Shrestha P.K., Tripathi M.P., Joshi K. D and Witcombe J. R.  2008.  Community-based seed production groups in Chitwan, Nepal. In: Farmers’ varieties and seeds: Supporting informal seed supply in Ethiopia.  Thijssen M. H., Bishaw, Z., Beshir A and W. S. de Boef (Eds). Ethiopian Seed Enterprises, ICARDA, Wageningen International, NUFFIC and Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. P263-271. ISBN 978-90-8585-215-5. www.cdic.wur.nl
Devkota, K. P., K. D. Joshi and J. R. Witcombe.  2008.  Linking Community-Based Seed Producers to Markets for a Sustainable Seed Supply System.  (Submitted in Euphytica)
Joshi, K.D., A. M. Musa, C. Johansen, D. Harris, K. P. Devkota, S. Gyawali and J. R. Witcombe..  2008.  Identifying Varieties for the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh with Farmers.  In: Improving agricultural productivity in rice-based systems of the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh, ed. by C. R. Riches, D. Harris, D. E. Johnson and B. Hardy, p. 105-116, ill. Ref. Los Banos, Laguna: IRRI, 2008. ISBN 978-9712202292
Witcombe J. R, K. P. Devkota, M. P. Tripathi, S. Gyawali, M Subedi, P. K. Shrestha, B. N. Chaudhary, R. B. Yadav, M. Yadav, D. Chaudhary, A.P. Gautam, T. Akhtar, S. P. Khatiwada, N P Adhikari, K. Chapagain and K. D. Joshi.  2008.  A Proposal for the Release of an Aromatic Rice Variety Suanulo Sugandha (A rice variety developed using client-oriented breeding (COB) approaches).  National Seed Board, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-Operatives, Nepal Government. http://www.cazs.bangor.ac.uk/ccstudio/Library/publications/ReleaseProposals/SunauloSugandha.pdf


Devkota K. P., D. N. Yadav, N. K. Chaudhary, D. R. Dangol and K. B. Basnet.  2007.  Influence of Spring Season Crop’s Residues Incorporation on Productivity of Rice-Wheat Cropping System.  J. Inst. Agric. and Animal Sci. (IAAS) Vol. 27, p67-74. www.nepjol.info/index.php/JIAAS/article/view/695/660
Witcombe J.R., D.S. Virk, K.A. Steele, A. Mottram, S. Gyawali, K.P. Devkota, A. Musa, C. Johansen and K.D. Joshi.  2007.  Client-Oriented Breeding: A Better way of Describing Farmers' Participation in Plant Breeding.  In: Crop Production in Stress Environments: Genetic and Management Options. D.P. Singh, V.S. Tomar, R.K. Behl. S.D. Upadhyaya, M.S. Bhale and D. Khare (eds). Jodhpur, Agrobios (International), 2007. ISBN 81-904309-0-4


Gyawali S., J. R. Witcombe, K. D. Joshi, K. P. Devkota, M. P. Tripathi, M. Subedi, S. Sunuwar, B. N. Chaudhary, D. Chaudhary, N.P. Adhikari, T. Akhtar, R. B. Yadav, S. P. Khatiwada, D. Subedi and H.D. Mishra.  2006.  A proposal for the release of rice variety Barkhe 3004 (A rice variety developed using client-oriented breeding (COB) approaches).  National Seed Board, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-Operatives, Nepal Government. http://www.cazs.bangor.ac.uk/ccstudio/Library/publications/ReleaseProposals/Barkhe3004.pdf
Joshi K D, Biggs S, Gauchan D, Devkota K P, Devkota C. K., Shrestha P K and Sthapit B R.  2006.  The evolution and spread of socially responsible technical and institutional changes in a rice innovation system in Nepal.  Discussion Paper 8, Wales, Bangor: CAZS-Natural Resources, University of Wales. http://www.cazs.bangor.ac.uk/ccstudio/Library/publications/DiscussionPaper/Discussion8.pdf


Devkota K.P., Gyawali S., Subedi A., Witcombe J.A.D. & Joshi K.D.  2005.  Adoption study of main season rice in Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts of Nepal from 2001 to 2002.  Discussion paper no. 6. Wales, Bangor: CAZS-Natural Resources, University of Wales. http://www.cazs.bangor.ac.uk/ccstudio/Library/publications/DiscussionPaper/Discussion6.pdf

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Institutions
Research countries
  • Uzbekistan

Krishna Prasad Devkota

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

Office E-Mail:
k.devkota(at)cgiar.org, kdevotka@libird.org

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