Dr. Martha Adimabuno Awo

Country of current residence


Current position

Senior Research Fellow

Current institute employer

Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER)


Social Scientist

Degrees / expertise

2007, Masters (Second Degree) in Rural Livelihoods and Global Change, (ISS), The Netherlands.


2002, Bachelor (First Degree) Agricultural extension, University of cape Coast, Ghana


1998, Diploma in Renewable Natural Resource management, university of Science and technology, Ghana


Awo, M.  2010.  Marketing and market queens: a case of tomato farmers in the Upper East Region of Ghana.  Thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Awo M..  2007.  Tomato marketing in Northern Ghana:Risky business or a way out of poverty. 

Awo, M., S. Gerke and W. Laube.  Powerful queens, poor farmers: the realities of tomato marketing in Northern Ghana. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Science Policy
  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • Ghana
Research projects
Working groups

Political and Cultural Change


2007, Masters (Second Degree) in Rural Livelihoods and Global Change, (ISS), The Netherlands.


2002, Bachelor (First Degree) Agricultural extension, University of cape Coast, Ghana


1998, Diploma in Renewable Natural Resource management, university of Science and technology, Ghana

Funding institutions

German Federal Ministry of education and Research

Research affiliation

IWMI. Ghana,

Ministry of Food and agriculture: Ghana,

Ministry of Trade and Induxtry, Ghana.

Doctoral research funded by


Cooperation partners

IWMI Ghana

Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Ghana)

Ministry of Trade and Industry (Ghana)

Martha Adimabuno Awo

Former Junior Researcher

Private website:

Former Division/Group:
Cultural and Political Change

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