Dr. Asghar Tahmasebi
Governance and Institutions
1. Master of Science: Natural Resource Engineering, Desertification Control, University of Tehran, 1998
2. Bachelor of Science: Agricultural Engineering, Range and Watershed Management, University of Mazandaran, 1996
Not Yet known
1. Researcher, Investigation of Soil Stalinization and Desertification Cause In Roodeh-Shoor Drainage Basin Area (1996-1998), Performed studies on the role of geological factors in surface water salinisation through taking and analyzing frequent water sample from drainage of anaptotic marl formation and salt dam. Funded by the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of Iran
2. Research Assistant, People’s participation in study, design and implementation of desertification control project (1999-2001), Acting as a facilitator in participatory workshops for local communities and using PRA techniques for participatory (bottom-up) planning in natural resource management. In cooperation with Factuality of Natural Resources of Tehran University, Funded by the UNDP and Government Iran
3. Researcher, designing the watershed management projects in nine selected sub basins in Sistan–Baluchistan Province (2003-2004), personal area of focus was studying the Vegetation cover and planning the biological measures for controlling soil erosion in the sub-basins mentioned. Wrote all project reports.
4. Technical reviewer of the desertification control project schemes (2003 - present). Working as a team member of senior experts for Department of Soils and Rangelands. Responsibilities include reviewing the technical reports and schemes and studies conducted in the technical Bureau for Desertification Control or in the related office in the provinces.
5. Technical experts and monitoring & evaluation consultant for integrated sustainable conservation of Rameh village rangelands (2003- present). Working with the SGP of UNDP in Garmsar District for raising the capacity of rural women for conserving the vegetation of the rangelands surrounding their own village. Project includes training, design, implementing, monitoring & evaluation components. Funded by the UNDP and Government of Iran.
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