Dr. Asghar Tahmasebi

Research projects
Sustainable Management of Soil and Water Resources (SMLWR IRA/97/004) and Desertification Control Project in Cooperation with FAO & UNDP
Working groups

Governance and Institutions

Professional experience
• 2005 – 2008, Tehran. Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization, Coordinator of the Secretariat of National Committee to Combat Desertification. Duties included: Coordinating the affaires of UNCCD implementation in Iran, Supervising preparation and implementation of the National Action Program to Combat Desertification and its pilot projects. working as a team member to prepare various reports for UNCCD including Country reports. • 2002 – 2005, Tehran. Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization, Senior Expert, Department of Soils & Rangelands. Duties included assessing the process of study, planning and implementing of schemes related to range management, desert control and forestry. • 1999-2002 Tehran. Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization, Bureau of Desertification Control (BDC): - Expert Responsible for Desertification Control Project for Sustainable Management of Soil and Water Resources (SMLWR IRA/97/004) Programme in Cooperation with FAO & UNDP which involved features such as: Integrated Watershed Management, Land Degradation, Salinisation, Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation, Formation and Strengthening of Community Based Organizations. - Expert in Studies Section of BDC. Work involved Supervision in desertification control activities in different provinces. Preparing maps in GIS systems. Preparing Terms of Reference for studies and consultants. - Acting as a facilitator in the Participatory Workshops for preparing NAP in Bushehr & Fars Provinces, - As a member of Expert Team for Identification of Critical & Hotspots of Wind Erosion in Iran

1. Master of Science: Natural Resource Engineering, Desertification Control, University of Tehran, 1998

2. Bachelor of Science: Agricultural Engineering, Range and Watershed Management, University of Mazandaran, 1996

Research partners

Not Yet known

Research affiliation

1. Researcher, Investigation of Soil Stalinization and Desertification Cause In Roodeh-Shoor Drainage Basin Area (1996-1998), Performed studies on the role of geological factors in surface water salinisation through taking and analyzing frequent water sample from drainage of anaptotic marl formation and salt dam. Funded by the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of Iran

2. Research Assistant, People’s participation in study, design and implementation of desertification control project (1999-2001), Acting as a facilitator in participatory workshops for local communities and using PRA techniques for participatory (bottom-up) planning in natural resource management. In cooperation with Factuality of Natural Resources of Tehran University, Funded by the UNDP and Government Iran

3. Researcher, designing the watershed management projects in nine selected sub basins in Sistan–Baluchistan Province (2003-2004), personal area of focus was studying the Vegetation cover and planning the biological measures for controlling soil erosion in the sub-basins mentioned. Wrote all project reports.

4. Technical reviewer of the desertification control project schemes (2003 - present). Working as a team member of senior experts for Department of Soils and Rangelands. Responsibilities include reviewing the technical reports and schemes and studies conducted in the technical Bureau for Desertification Control or in the related office in the provinces.

5. Technical experts and monitoring & evaluation consultant for integrated sustainable conservation of Rameh village rangelands (2003- present). Working with the SGP of UNDP in Garmsar District for raising the capacity of rural women for conserving the vegetation of the rangelands surrounding their own village. Project includes training, design, implementing, monitoring & evaluation components. Funded by the UNDP and Government of Iran.


Tahmasebi, A.  2012.  Pastoralism under Pressure: Vulnerability of Pastoral Nomads to Multiple Socio-political and Climate Stresses – The Shahsevan of Northwest Iran.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Tahmasebi,A.  2009.  Indigenous Knowledge for Water Management in Iran’s Dryland - Siraf.  International Journal of Environmental Studies, electronic publication   . Further Information


2007.  Institutional Arrangements for UNCCD implementation in Iran , Journal of Forest & Range. 74: 11-17,. 
2007.  • Tahmasebi, A. ; Mahdavi, K. “PGIS, a round table for mutual understanding” in the proceeding of national seminar on Participatory Development of Land and Water Resources, 17-19 February 2007,Semnan,Iran 344-362. 


2006.  • Tahmasebi, A.; Jafarian, V. “The effect of geological marine formation on surface water quality and secondary salinization, In the proceeding of the International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Human Security (ISDEHS).  Further Information


2004.  • Tahmasebi, A.; Pouyafar A.M. ; Amir Aslani, F., “Participatory Watershed Management (Hable Rood Basin Case Study)”. In the Proceeding of the 2004 GICR International Conference on Environment and Water, 11-14 October 2004, Beijing. Vol.1, 1- 96. 


2003.  • Alavi Panah, S. K.; Pouyafar, A.M. ; Tahmasebi, A. “The Application of Field Soil Salinity Map in Classifying Landsat Imagery”. In the Proceeding of The 23RD Symposium of European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Ghent, Belgium, 2-5 June 200. 
2003.  • Tahmasebi, A.; Jazi, H. “Moving from concentrated programming through enabling local communities”. In the Proceeding of Rural Development Congress, Challenges and Prospects. June 2003, Tehran, Iran,181-193. 


1998.  • Tahmasebi, A, Investigation of Soil Stalinization and Desertification Cause In Roodeh-Shoor Drainage Basin Area, MSc Thesis, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University,. 

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Asghar Tahmasebi

Associated Researcher

Cultural and Political Change


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