Dr. Evita Hanie Pangaribowo

Country of current residence


Current position


Current institute employer

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Agricultural Economist

Degrees / expertise

PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Bonn, Germany (2012)

Master in International and Development Economics, The Australian National University, Australia (2006)

Bachelor of Economics, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2002)

Professional experience

Researcher, Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2002 - current)

Lecturer, Department of Environmental Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2003 - current)


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2014.  Consumption Behavior of the Poorest and Policy Implications in Indonesia.  In: von Braun, Joachim, Gatzweiler, Franz W. (Eds.) (eds.): Marginality. Springer.   389.  Further Information


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2013.  Household Food Consumption, Women’s Asset and Food Policy in Indonesia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Peter Lang   Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H., Gerber, N., and Tillie, P.  2013.  Assessing the FNS impacts of technological and institutional innovations and future innovation trends.  Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H., Gerber, N., and Torero, M.  2013.  Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review.  Further Information


Pangaribowo, E.  2012.  Household Food Consumption, Women's Asset and Food Policy in Indonesia.  Thesis at  ZEF.  Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2012.  Aid Fungibility: a lesson to learn from the impact of 'Rice for the Poor' program in Indonesia.  International Scientific Symposium on Food and Nutrition Security 2012, January 17-19, FAO, Rome, Italy Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2012.  Intra-household Power: the Role of Women’s Share of Assets and Social Capital on Food and Nonfood Expenditures, selected paper for presentation at 86th Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, April 16-18, Warwick, UK.  .
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2012.  The Impact of Rice for the Poor on Household Consumption, selected paper for presentation at the 56th Australia Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Fremantle, Australia.  . Further Information


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2011.  Subjective Well-being and Aid in Indonesia: Does Aid Make the Poor Feel Richer or Poorer?.  9th Development Dialogue, 6-7 June, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2011.  Supporting Household Food Consumption in the Time of Economic Crisis: Evidence from Food Security Program in Indonesia, selected paper for presentation at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association’s 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting.  . Further Information
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2011.  Food Security Program in the Time of Economic Crisis: Does it Support Indonesian Households?.  European Association of Agricultural Economist (EAAE) PhD Workshop, April 27-29, Nitra, Slovakia
Pangaribowo, E. H. and Tsegai, D.  2011.  Demand for Food of Indonesian Households: Evidence from Longitudinal Data.  5th International Consumer Science Research Conference, July 18-20, Bonn, Germany


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2010.  Does it Make Better to Participate? The Role of Women's Social Capital on Household Food Security in Indonesia.  7th Annual Meeting of ISNE, September 24-25, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2010.  Food Demand Analysis of Indonesian Households: to eat better or to smoke when they are getting richer?.  International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 4-5 November 2010, Istanbul, Turkey


Harini, R. and Pangaribowo, E. H.  2009.  Analysis of Comparative and Competitive Advantage of Agriculture Sector in Yogyakarta Special Province.  <i>Indonesian Journal of Geography</i>, 41(1): 19-35
Pangaribowo, E. H.  2009.  The Quality of Life of Elderly: does gender and supporting environment matter?.  ICAS 6, 6-9 August 2009, Daejeon, South Korea


Faturochman, Maika, A. and Pangaribowo, E. H.  2007.  The Dynamic of Marital Status Changes in Indonesia.  In Ford Foundation Project Workshop, 10-11 December 2007, The Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2006.  The Influence of Fertility on Labour Supply of Married Women: a case study of Indonesia.  Master of International and Development Economics. Thesis. The Australian National University, Australia


Latief, M. S and Pangaribowo, E. H.  2004.  Local Government Performance on Poverty Alleviation Program: A Preliminary Indicator for Pro Poor Government.  In Faturocman et al (ed): Population and Policy Dynamics, Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University. ISBN 9798368886


Pangaribowo, E. H.  2002.  The Determinants of Poverty in Indonesia: analysis of Indonesian Family Life Survey 1997.  Bachelor of Economics. Thesis. Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Renewable energy
  • Institutions
  • Biodiversity
Research countries
  • Bangladesh
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • India
  • Indonesia
Research projects
WATSAN-AGRICULTURE FoodSecure (www.foodsecure.eu) - Exploring the future of global food and nutrition security Food Price Volatility
Tutorship of doctoral candidates

Ruchi Vangani

Muhammed Abdella Usman

Charles Yaw Okyere

Florence Mc Bain

Mohammad Monirul Hasan

Professional experience
Researcher, Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2002 - current) Lecturer, Department of Environmental Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2003 - current)

PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Bonn, Germany (2012)

Master in International and Development Economics, The Australian National University, Australia (2006)

Bachelor of Economics, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (2002)

Research partners

Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA), Ethiopia

Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), Ghana

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) through Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG), India

BRAC, Bangladesh

Evita Hanie Pangaribowo

Former Senior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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