Dr. Carlos Mauricio Nupia-Martinez

Country of current residence


Current position

Administrative Director

Current institute employer

German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ)



Website current institute



International Visitors Fellowship Program – U.S Department of State DAAD PhD Scholarship 2008-2012 Colfuturo Scholarship Program 2008-2009

Professional memberships

DAAD Alumni network U.S. Department of State - Alumni network


international cooperation on science, technology and innovation; policy diffusion and scientific institutions; innovation and knowledge networks; internationalization of higher education; formulation and management and of international cooperation projects


Political Scientist

Degrees / expertise

Bachelor´s Degree Communication Sciences

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Master in Urban Studies

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Professional experience

Advisor – Deputy Direction Strategic Programs

Colciencias (Colombian Institute for Development of Science and Technology) - Coordinator INCO Focal Point - Seventh Framework Program - European Union


Director - The Office of International Relations

Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Public University)


Chief - The Office for the Internationalization of Science Colciencias (Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Science and Technology)


Representative of Colombia

Iberoamerican Program of Science, Technology and Development - CYTED

Secretary of Iberoamerican Cooperation - SECIB


Communication Advisor

Colombian Agency of International Cooperation (ACCI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Consultant in Communication Affairs

World Food Program (WFP)

United Nations Organization


Information Assistant

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)


Nupia, C.  New Technologies of Information and the City: The Urban Conformation of Internet in Bogotá.  (in spanish) at  Universidad Nacional de Colombia.  Further Information


Nupia-Martinez, C.  2012.  Science policy in Colombia 1968-1991: transfer and learning of international policy models.  Doctoral hesis at  Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, FU Berlin. 


Hernandez, V., Bonilla, H., Nupia, C..  2008.  International Cooperation Sources on Science and Technology.  In: Hernandez, V., Bonilla, H., Nupia, C. (eds.): The International Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombian Higher Education. COLCIENCIAS - ASCUN.   399 - 424.  Further Information


Nupia, C..  2003.  The Spatial Relation between Internet and Bogotá’s Territory.  Bitacora - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1   : (in spanish)   . Further Information


Nupia, C.  2002.  The Electronic Space and the Urban Conformation of Internet in Bogotá.  Social Studies Journal / Universidad de Los Andes, 11   : (in spanish)   . Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Global development and trade
Research countries
  • Colombia
Research projects
Social History on Measurement of Science, Technology and Education in Colombia - Colombian Observatory on Science and Technology - (ongoing project)
Working groups

Research Group: Culture, Knowledge and Develpment

ZEF A Department

Additional information

Research Fellow / Interdisciplinary Latinamerican Center / ILZ

Professional experience
Advisor – Deputy Direction Strategic Programs Colciencias (Colombian Institute for Development of Science and Technology) - Coordinator INCO Focal Point - Seventh Framework Program - European Union Director - The Office of International Relations Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Public University) Chief - The Office for the Internationalization of Science Colciencias (Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Science and Technology) Representative of Colombia Iberoamerican Program of Science, Technology and Development - CYTED Secretary of Iberoamerican Cooperation - SECIB Communication Advisor Colombian Agency of International Cooperation (ACCI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consultant in Communication Affairs World Food Program (WFP) United Nations Organization Information Assistant United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Bachelor´s Degree Communication Sciences

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Master in Urban Studies

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Funding institutions

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Research partners

Colombian Observatory on Science and Technology (OCYT);

Colombian Institute for Development of Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS)

Research affiliation

Interdisciplinary Latin American Center - ILZ - Bonn University


Carlos Mauricio Nupia-Martinez

Private website:

Former Division/Group:
Cultural and Political Change

Office E-Mail:

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