Dr. Sophia Baumert
Project Manager and Consultant
AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants
2014 - 2016 Post doctoral reaearcher at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique
2016 -2017 The University of Edinburgh
Agricultural Engineer
Diploma in Agricultural Science (Dipl.Ing.agr.) University of Bonn;
Titel of thesis: "Characterization of land use systems in Ketou, Benin"
Research associate, University Hohenheim, UAC Morocco.
Intern, UNCTAD, Trade and Sustainable Development Section.
Researcher, IMPETUS Benin.
Researcher, BIOTA Kenya.
Student assistant, University Bonn, Department tropical agriculture.
Student assistant, DIE, Africa Section.
Apprentice, farms Germany, Canada.
and Downloads
- Governance
- Institutions
- Methods
- Burkina Faso
Diploma in Agricultural Science (Dipl.Ing.agr.) University of Bonn;
Titel of thesis: "Characterization of land use systems in Ketou, Benin"
Dreyer Foundation