Dr. Tania Gabriela Osejo Carrillo
Cash-based transfer programme officer
World Food Programme
2012-2013: Carlo Schmid Fellow at the Liaison Office – Berlin. United Nations World Food Programme. Berlin, Germany. 2008-2009: Advisor in Climate Change and Environment for Central America. Ibis – Denmark. Guatemala City, Guatemala. 2004-2008: Environmental lobby and Advocacy Coordination. Centro Alexander von Humboldt. Managua, Nicaragua. 2000-2001: Part – time lecturer. Universidad Centroamericana. Managua, Nicaragua
2004. Magna cum laude, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. 2002-2003. Best post graduate student, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. 1996-1999. Academic Excellency Best Student of Applied Economics. Universidad Centroamericana, Nicaragua.
European Commission Government of Sweden
Development professional with over fourteen years of technical and analytical experience in natural resource management, environmental economics, climate adaptation, climate finance, carbon credits and payments for ecosystem services. Strong research skills in the field of forest economics, land use change, cost-benefit analysis, payments for ecosystem services, CDM, forest protection policies and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Comprehensive knowledge of UNFCCC negotiation process with special focus on REDD, climate adaptation and climate finance. Experience in policy dialog at community and national level on natural resource management (mining and forestry), REDD mechanism, adaptation to climate change. Experience in designing / developing workshops and capacity building process at community, district and national level; as facilitator in policy dialog / process and negotiator with different stakeholders (indigenous communities, local government, ministers, and politicians) in topics associated to the management of natural resources. Work experience includes relation with media and development of manuals / guidelines on natural resource management. Project management, donor relations and fundraising have been part of my responsibilities.
Forest economics, climate change adaptation, food security, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, management of natural resources, environmental economics, carbon credits
Dr. Forest Sciences; Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen
M. S.c in Economic Policy in Sustainable Development and Ecological Economy – Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. 2004
Licenciatura: Applied Economics. Specialization in Macroeconomics - Universidad Centroamericana. Nicaragua, 1999.
- Climate Adaptation Consultant. United Nations - World Food Pogramme, Rome, Italy.
- Carlo - Schmid Fellow. Intern in United Nations - World Food Pogramme, Liaison Office in Berlin.
- Environment Advisor for Ibis – Denmark
- Coordinator, Lobbying and Advocacy office. Alexander von Humboldt Center.
- Latin America Sustainability Watch Network Facilitator. Sustainability Watch Network.
- Junior Researcher in the project “Improved Sustainability of Agro – Food in Central America: a Techno – Managerial Approach”. Centro Internacional de Politica Economica (CINPE), Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica.
- Part Time – Lecturer. Business Administrations and Economics Faculty. Universidad Centroamericana (UCA). Nicaragua
doctoral work
Prof. Dr. Matthias Dieter. Faculty of Forest Science and Forest Ecology, Georg-August University of Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Director Department of Economic and Technological Change ZEF
Dr. Tobias Wünscher, Senior Researchers, ZEF.
Further Information
and Downloads
- Governance
- Institutions
- New Technologies
- Costa Rica
Research country: Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Dr. Forest Sciences; Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen
M. S.c in Economic Policy in Sustainable Development and Ecological Economy – Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. 2004
Licenciatura: Applied Economics. Specialization in Macroeconomics - Universidad Centroamericana. Nicaragua, 1999.
Environmental Economics, Forest Economics, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), climate change adaptation
Dr. Hermann Eiselen Doctoral Programm of the Foundation fiat panis
Carlo Schmid Programme
World Food Programme,
University of Exeter,
UK - MET office
High end climate impacts and extremes:
BMZ (DAAD), Dr. Hermann Eiselen Doctoral Programm of the Foundation Fiat Panis and Carlo Schmid Programme
Centro Alexander von Humboldt
Centro Internacional de Politica Economica - CINPE, UNA , Costa Rica
doctoral work
Prof. Dr. Matthias Dieter. Faculty of Forest Science and Forest Ecology, Georg-August University of Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Director Department of Economic and Technological Change ZEF
Dr. Tobias Wünscher, Senior Researchers, ZEF.
Former Junior Researcher
Economic and Technological Change
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