Dr. Juan Manuel Orozco Ortiz

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Pro. Wulf Amelung, Prof. Christian Borgemeister and Prof. Eva Lehndorff


Orozco Ortiz, J.  2021.  Insights into the genesis of Amazonian Anthrosols: The role of ceramic sherds and flies during the early stages of Terra Preta formation.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Orozco Ortiz, J.M., S.L. Bauke, C. Borgemeister, E. Lehndorff and W. Amelung.  2021.  Bioturbation by black soldier fly larvae - Rapid soil formation with burial of ceramic artifacts.  PLoS ONE, 16(6):e0252032   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Orozco-Ortiz, Juan Manuel; Peña-Venegas, Clara Patricia; Bauke, Sara Louise; Borgemeister, Christian; Mörchen, Ramona; Lehndorff, Eva; Amelung, Wulf.  2021.  Terra Preta Properties in Northwestern Amazonia (Colombia).  Sustainability, 13   : 7088   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
Research countries
  • Colombia

Waste management, Soil biogeochemistry, Soil nutrient fluxes

Doctoral research funded by


Cooperation partners

Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz (INRES) - Bodenwissenschaften, Instituto Amazonico de Investigaciones Cientificas SINCHI

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Pro. Wulf Amelung, Prof. Christian Borgemeister and Prof. Eva Lehndorff

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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