Dr. Arisbe Mendoza-Escalante

Country of current residence


Current position

Director Global Impact

Current institute employer

Fairtrade International



Website current institute
Office address

Bonner Talweg 177, 53129 Bonn, Germany

53129 Bonn, Germany

Office phone

+52 (981) 8164221

Office fax

+52 (981) 816 5978

Previous positions

Research Assistent, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)

Other activities

Lecturer on environmental economics and cost/benefit analysis courses (undergraduate studies) at the School of Natural Resources at the University Marista, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Professional memberships

Member of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (ALEAR)


Environmental Economics (Interactions between ecosystems and socieconomic systems)

Degrees / expertise

She has a first degree in economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Yucatan, Mexico and a M.Sc. in environmental economics and environmental management from the Environment Department, University of York, England. In her second degree she specialized in the economics of smallholder agricultural production. She finished her PhD at ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany in 2005.


Börner, J., Mendoza, A. and Vosti, S.  2007.  Ecosystem services, agriculture and rural poverty in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon: Interrelationships and policy prescriptions.  Ecological Economics, 64 (2)   : 356-373   .
Börner, J.; Denich, M.; Mendoza-Escalante, A.; Hedden-Dunkhorst, B. and Abreu de Sá, T.  2007.  Alternatives to slash-and-burn in forest-based fallow systems of the eastern Brazilian Amazon region: Technology and policy options to halt ecological degradation and improve rural welfare.  In: Tscharntke, T., Leuschner, C., Zeller, M., Guhardja, E., Bidin, A. (eds.): The stability of tropical rainforest margins, linking ecological, economic and social constraints of land use and conservation. Springer Verlag Berlin.   335-363. 
Mburu, J., Boerner, J., B. Hedden-Dunkhorst, Mendoza-Escalante, A. Frohberg, K.  2007.  Feasibility of mulching technology as an alternative to slash-and-burn farming in eastern Amazon: A cost benefit analysis.  Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22 (02)   : 125-133 p   .
Sauer S. and A. Mendoza-Escalante.  2007.  Poor but allocatively efficient—evidence from the Eastern Amazon.  Agricultural Economics, 37 (1)   : 113–126   .


Mendoza-Escalante, A.  2006.  Análise da Estrutura Produtiva de Pequenos Agricultores: Evidência Empírica e Implicações para Políticas Públicas na Zona Bragantina.  In: F. A. Costa, T. Hurtienne and C. Kahwage (eds.): Inovação e Difusão Tecnológica para a Agricultura Familiar na Amazônia: Resultados e implicações do Projeto SHIFT-Socieconomia. Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos – NAEA, Belém (PA), Brazil.  
Sauer, J. and Mendoza-Escalante, A.  2006.  Schultz’s hypothesis revisited – small scale joint production in the Eastern Amazon.  Working Paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Howarth, R., Ramakrishna, K., Choi, E., Elmgren, R., Martinelli, L., Mendoza-Escalante, A., Moomaw, W., Palm, Ch., Roy, R., Scholes, M., and Zhao-Liang, Z.  2005.  Chapter 9 : Nutrient Management.  In: Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (eds.): Ecosystems and Human Well Being: Policy Responses Volume 3. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.  
Mendoza-Escalante, A.  2005.  Analysis of Smallholder Agricultural Production in the Eastern Amazon: Empirical Evidence and Policy Perspectives for the Bragantina Region.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Mendoza-Escalante, A., Börner, J., Hedden-Dunkhorst, B.  2003.  Adoption potential for fire-free agricultural practices in the Eastern Amazon Region, Brazil.  Deutscher Tropentag 2003 – Conference Proceedings: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development, October 8 – 10, 2003, University of Göttingen, Germany


Aguilar Cordero, W., Quezada Domínguez, Ricardo D., Mendoza Escalante, A., Ortiz Pech, R., Jiménez Osornio, J.J., Amaya Balboa, J. and Castillo y Dzul, A.  2002.  Revalorando el saber indígena: El solar y el Ka’anché en una comunidad pesquera de Yucatán, México.  In: Bretón I., et al (eds.): Balance entre población y recursos. CIID-Canadá, U. Laval, IOI-CFRAMP.  


Castillo and Dzul, A.A.; Vidal Manzanilla, J.; Aguilar Cordero, W. and Mendoza-Escalante, A.  2000.  Practical Manual of Vermicompost.  Department of Management and Conservation of Natural Tropical Resources at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Autonomous University of Yucatan. Mérida, Yucatán


Mendoza-Escalante, A.  1999.  The economic causes of deforestation in terms of land use change for Yucatan Peninsula: case study area.  Master thesis at  University of York. 


Jiménez-Osornio, J.J., Moo Marin, M.K., Sohn, I., López Pérez, A., Ancona Baqueiro, F., Mendoza Escalante, A., Xuluc Tolosa, F., Cámara Sarmiento R. and Nelson, K.  1997.  Research in Sahcabá,Yucatán: the experience of Protrópico-FMVZ-UADY. Libro de la Serie: Estudios de Caso sobre Participación Campesina en Generación, Validación y Transferencia Tecnológica. 
Mendoza, A., Kelly, T. and Jimenez-Osornio, J.  1997.  Economic evaluation of farming and manure system on the association of maize and legume (Mucuna deeringianum y Canavalia ensiformis): an alternative to the slash and burn system in the community of Sahcabá, Yucatan.  Red de Gestión de Recursos Naturales, Rockefeller Foundation, 8 (segunda época) junio-septiembre de 1997   .

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Land use and food security
  • Growth, inequality and poverty
Research countries
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
Research projects
Studies on Human Impacts on Forest and Floodplains in the Tropics (SHIFT-ENV 44) "Small-Scale Farmers in the Amazon: Interaction between Ecosystem and Socio-Economic System in the Use and Protection of Tropical Forests"
Working groups

Natural Resources Management

Additional information

Successfully finished her PhD.


She has a first degree in economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Yucatan, Mexico and a M.Sc. in environmental economics and environmental management from the Environment Department, University of York, England. In her second degree she specialized in the economics of smallholder agricultural production. She finished her PhD at ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany in 2005.

Doctoral research funded by


Cooperation partners

Embrapa Amazônia Oriental;

Federal University of Pará

Arisbe Mendoza-Escalante

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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