Dr. Daniel Tsegai

Country of current residence


Current position

Programme Officer

Current institute employer

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

Website current institute
Previous positions

2006 - 2013 Senior Research at ZEF 2013 - 2015 UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC)


Resource Economist

Degrees / expertise

PhD, University of Bonn (Germany)

MSc, University of Göttingen (Germany)

BA, Asmara University (Eritrea)

Professional experience

Senior Researcher at ZEF, Bonn, Germany

Junior Research fellow at IITA, Nigeria

Junior Policy & Regulations expert in the Ministry of Finance, Eritrea


Tsegai, D. and Q.B . Le..  2011.  District-level spatial anaylsis of migration flows in Ghana: Determinants and implications for policy.  Regional Science Policy and Practice, 3 (2)   : 87-100   . Further Information


Tsegai, D.W., T. Linz and J. Kloos..  2010.  Economic analysis of water supply cost structure in the middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa.  Journal of European Economy, 9 (6)   : 367-384   . Further Information
Tsegay, D., S.R. Moe, P.O. Vedeld, E. Aynekulu.  2010.  Land-use/cover dynamics in arid and semi-arid rangelands of northern Afar, Ethiopia.  Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 139   : 174-180   .


Tsegai, D. W. and P. M. Kormawa.  2009.  Determinants of urban household demand for cassava and cassava products in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria: An application of AIDS model.  European Journal of Development Research, 21 (3)   . Further Information


Tsegai D..  2007.  Migration as a household decision: What are the roles of Income differences? Insights from the Volta basin of Ghana.  The European Journal of Development Research, 19 (2)   : 305-326   .


Tsegai, D..  2005.  The Economics of migration in the Volta basin of Ghana: Household and district-level analysis.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Governance
  • Gender
Research countries
  • Bangladesh
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • India
  • South Africa
  • Nigeria
  • Eritrea
Research projects
IWRM in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa (www.iwrm-southafrica.de) Guiding pro-poor investments in the nexus among ‘domestic water quality and quantity’, ‘sanitation and hygiene’ and agriculture from the bottom-up (short title: AG-WATSAN NEXUS)
Working groups

Natural Resources Group

Tutorship of doctoral candidates

Florence Mc Bain - "Health insurance and water and sanitation in India"


Liu Dan - "Evaluation of Community-based Health Insurance and Risk Management option: the case of rural China"


Michael Simon - "Optimal Resource Allocation for Health in Tanzania: Determinants and Policy Implications"



Supervision of Masters Thesis

Agbeti Sowah (as 1st Supervisor)- "Determinants of willingness of urban informal workers in Accra to participate in micro pension schemes"

Abigail Ampomah-Gyebi (as 2nd supervisor)- "The effect of rural-urban migration on Agricultural productivity in the Northern Region of Ghana"

Professional experience
Senior Researcher at ZEF, Bonn, Germany Junior Research fellow at IITA, Nigeria Junior Policy & Regulations expert in the Ministry of Finance, Eritrea

PhD, University of Bonn (Germany)

MSc, University of Göttingen (Germany)

BA, Asmara University (Eritrea)

Funding institutions

BMBF; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and Water Research Commisison (WRC) in South Africa

Institute of Statisctical, Social and Economic Research (Ghana); BRAC in Bangladesh; Public health Foundation of India and Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute

Research partners

University of Witten/Herdecke (http://www.uni-wh-utm.de/)

Daniel Tsegai

Former Senior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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