Dr. Lulseged Tamene Desta

Country of current residence


Current position

Regional Coordinator

Current institute employer




Previous positions

2005 - 2009 Senior Researcher at ZEF


Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) Terrain Analysis Spatial Modeling of Soil/water Redistribution Land-use System and Dynamics in Ethiopia



Degrees / expertise

Geography (BA), Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Applied Remote Sensing (MSc), Cranfield University, Silsoe College, UK

Professional experience

Lecturer, Mekelle University


Tamene, L. and P. Vlek.  2008.  Soil erosion in Northern Ethiopia: patterns, determinants, and management implications.  In: A.K. Braimoh and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Impact of Land Use Change on Soil Resources. Springer Science 7 Business Media B.V. Dordrecht, The Netherlands.   (in press). 


Tamene, L. and P. Vlek.  2007.  Assessing the potential of changing land use for reducing soil erosion and sediment yields of catchments: a case study in the highlands of northern Ethiopia.  Soil Use and Management, 23   : 82 - 91   .


Tamene, L., S. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2006.  Predicting landscape susceptibility to soil erosion using the USPED model: a GIS-based case study in the highlands of northern Ethiopia.  Land Degradation and Development, : (submitted)   .
Tamene, L., S. Park, R. Dikau and P. Vlek.  2006.  Reservoir sedimentation assessment in the semi-arid highlands of northern Ethiopia: rate of sediment yield -catchment area relationship and a semi-quantitative approach for predicting sediment yield.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI.10.1002/esp.1   .
Tamene, L., S.J. Park, R. Dikau, and P.L.G. Vlek.  2006.  Reservoir siltation in the semi-arid highlands of northern Ethiopia: sediment yield – catchment area relationship and a semi-quantitive approach for predicting sediment yield.  Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, : 1364-1383   .


Desta, L.  2005.  Reservoir siltation in Ethiopia: Causes, source areas, and management options.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Tamene, L. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  A GIS-based landscape characterization to assess soil erosion and sediment delivery potential of catchments in the highlands of northern Ethiopia. Paper presented at the RGLDD International Conference, Trier (Germany), 7-9/09/2005. 
Yilma, T. and L. Tamene.  2005.  Small Holder Irrigation and its Challenges in Ethiopia’s Food Security Agenda: lessons from Ghana. A paper presented at the Third International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy, 2 – 4 July 2005. Addis Ababa. 


Behailu, M., K. WoldeAregay and L. Tamene.  2004.  Fighting famine and poverty through runoff Water harvesting in Northern Ethiopia.  Bright Spots Book. CA-IWMI.  
Tamene, L., S. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Application of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques to understand major processes triggering reservoir sedimentation in the highlands of Ethiopia. Deutscher Tropentag 2004. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 


Diress, T.A, H. Mitiku, Y. Fikru and T. Lulseged.  2003.  Assessment of rangeland condition and livestock mobility pattern in Aba’ala wereda, North Afar: field survey and application of geographic information systems (GIS). Proceedings of the International Rangeland Congress held in Durban South Africa, Aug. 200. 
Tamene, L., S. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  GIS-based assessment of erosion processes in a highly degraded environment, northern Ethiopia: major drivers, accelerating factors and significance to reservoir siltation. Proceedings of the ESSC COST 623 Conference,5-8 July 2003. Budapest, Hungary. 


Tamene, L.  2000.  GIS Applications for the Assessment of the Influences of Biophysical Factors on Land Management Practices in Tigray. A Report submitted for IFPRI-ILRI-MU Joint Project. Mekelle University. 


Lulseged, T.  1999.  Vegetation status monitoring using satellite data.  In: Haile, M., Teka, T., Azeze, A., Tsegay, D. and Ze (eds.): Proceedings of the national workshop on challenges and oportunities for research and development in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia. 16-18 Dec.   51-63. 


Lulseged, T. and L. Mamusha.  1998.  Investigation of Opportunities for and Constraints to Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Innovations in order to Formulate Enabling Environments for Farmer Innovations.  ISWC Phase II Project. Mekelle University, Ethiopia


Lulseged, T.  1996.  Vegetation Status Monitoring Using NOAA-AVHRR NDVI in Ethiopia, Thesis submitted to a partial fulfilment of the Degree of Masters of Arts, School of Agriculture, Silsoe College, UK, September 1996. 


Tamene, L.  1993.  Residential Preference of the Peoples of Addis: the case of Bole Area. An essay submitted to the Department of Geography, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, September, 1993. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
Research projects
Professional experience
Lecturer, Mekelle University

Geography (BA), Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Applied Remote Sensing (MSc), Cranfield University, Silsoe College, UK

Research affiliation

Terrain analysis and landscape process modelling

Doctoral research funded by


Lulseged Tamene Desta

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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