Dr. Hayot Ibrakhimov

Country of current residence


Current position


Current institute employer

Urgench State University, Khorezm, Uzbekistan


Agricultural Engineer

Degrees / expertise

BSc and MSc in Hydrotechnical Engineering. 1988-1993, Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Professional experience

Irrigation and Hydromelioration Specialist, Land Reclamation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbekistan


2010.  A GIS-based tool for making better use of data on groundwater level and salinity.  ZEF/UNESCO Science Brief ZUR no. 13


Begdullayeva, T., H. M. Ibragimov, and Lamers, J.P.A..  2007.  Types of Sorghum in Karalpakstan: Salinity Tolerance, Salinity Accumulation and Productivity.  FAN Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Ibragimov, N., Everett, R. S., Esanbekov, U., Kamilov, B. S., Mirzaev, L., and Lamers, J. P. A..  2007.  Water use efficiency of irrigated cotton in Uzbekistan under drip and furrow irrigation.  Agricultural Water Management, 90(1-2)   : 112-120   .


Ibrakhimov, M., R. Eshchanov and H. Jabbarov.  2006.  Groundwater management in Khorezm [In Uzbek language].  Agriculture of Uzbekistan, 9   : 25-26   .


Ibrakhimov, H.  2005.  Spatial and temporal distribution of the groundwater table and salinity in Khorezm (Aral Sea Basin), Uzbekistan.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen   Further Information
Ibrakhimov, H., C. Martius, J. Lamers, S. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  GIS-based monitoring tools for improved groundwater management in Khorezm (Uzbekistan, Central Asia).  In: Proceedings of ICID 21st European Regional Conference Integrated Land and W
Ibrakhimov, M., M. Mirhodjiev, Yu. Shirokova and J. Lamers.  2005.  Modern Technologies-GIS.  Agriculture of Uzbekistan, 3   : 30-31   . Further Information


Ibrakhimov, M.  2004.  Spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater table and salinity in Khorezm (Aral Sea Basin), Uzbekistan.  Ecology and Development Series 24, Cuvillier Verlag. Göttingen.
Ibrakhimov, M., S. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Development of groundwater salinity in a region of the Lower Amudarya River, Khresm, Uzbekistan.  In: J. Ryan, P.L.G. Vlek and R. Paroda (eds.): Agriculture in Central Asia: Research for Development. ICARDA.  
Martius, C., J. Lamers, M. Ibrakhimov and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Towards a sustainable use of natural resources in the Aral Sea Basin.  In: Bogena, H., J. Hake and H. Vereecken (eds.): Water and Sustainable Development. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Reih.   117-134. 


Shirokova, U. and M. Ibrakhimov.  1999.  Development and coordination of water and land resources quality control Services for ecological monitoring improvement in Uzbekistan. 


Eshchanov, R., C. Conrad, J.P.A. Lamers, C. Martius, B. Tischbein, and M. Ibrakhimov.  Redefining the causes for the secondary soil salinization in Khorezm, in the Amu Darya River delta. 
Ibrakhimov, M., A. Khamzina, C. Martius, J. Lamers and P. Vlek.  Spatial distribution and dynamics of groundwater table and salinity in Khorezm region (Aral Sea Basin; Uzbekistan).  Irrigation and Drainage Science journal, .
Ibrakhimov, M., C. Martius, J. Lamers and P. Vlek.  Temporal dynamics of the groundwater table and salinity in Khorezm region. 

Ibrakhimov, H., O. Egamberdiev, I. Forkutsa, A. Khamzina, G. Paluasheva, T. Boltaev and J. Lamers.  The development of soil salinity areas due to an accelerated groundwater salinity decreases livelihood opportunities of the farming population in the Aral Sea Basin, Uzb. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Ecosystem services
Research countries
  • Uzbekistan
Research projects
ZEF/UNESCO Research Project in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
Working groups

ZEF/UNESCO Research Project in Khorezm, Uzbekistan

Additional information

Currently in Uzbekistan

Professional experience
Irrigation and Hydromelioration Specialist, Land Reclamation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbekistan

BSc and MSc in Hydrotechnical Engineering. 1988-1993, Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Funding institutions






Research partners

Land Improvement Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzbekistan

Hayot Ibrakhimov

Former Guest Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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