Dr. Adama Konseiga

Country of current residence


Current position

Director/Vice-President, Research & Evaluation

Current institute employer

The International Center for Evaluation and Development



Website current institute


Previous positions

2004 - 2007 African Population & Health Research Center, Nairobi In February 20, he joined the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany, as a Research Affiliate 05 and became a Research Fellow in May 2008 Since May 2007 Research Affiliate at the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

2007 - June 2012 Research Affiliate of the GREDI (Research Group in Economics and International Development) of the University of Sherbrooke, Canada

2012 - 2019 Ministry of Tourism, Government of Quebec, Canada; in charge of modelling Tourism demand at the Directorate of Evaluation and strategic planning


2005 Global Development Medal for Outstanding Research on Development

Professional memberships

Canadian Economic Association. Association Burkinabè des Anciens du CERDI (ABAC)

Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)





Urban poverty, migration, education, health and economic convergence


Konseiga A., E.M. Zulu, P. Bocquier, K. Muindi, D. Beguy and Y. Yé.  2009.  Child migration and mortality in rural Nyanza province: evidence from the Kisumu health and demographic surveillance system (KHDSS) in Western Kenya.  In: M. Collins, K. Adazu and S. Findley (eds.): The Dynamics of Migration, Health and Livelihoods. Ashgate.  


Konseiga A., E. M. Zulu and Y. Yé.  2006.  Assessing the Effect of Mother’s Migration on Childhood Mortality in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi.  ZA Discussion Paper 2295, Bonn, 24.
Konseiga, A..  2006.  Regionalism in West Africa: do polar countries reap the benefits?.  In: Dinello, N. and Aryeetey, E. (eds.): Testing Global Interdependence: Issues on Trade, Aid, Migration and Development. Edward Elga.  


Konseiga, A.  2005.  New Patterns in the Human Migration in West Africa.  Vienna Journal of African Studies, 8, Special Issue: African migrations. Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Dynamics   . Download [PDF]
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Konseiga, A..  2005.  Regional integration beyond the traditional trade benefits: Labor mobility contribution. The case of Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso.  n Development Economics and Policy. Edited by Franz Heidhues and Joachim von Braun. Vol. 46.


Konseiga, A.  2004.  Regional integration beyond the traditional trade benefits: labor mobility contribution the case of Burkina Faso and Côte d’ivoire.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Clermont Ferrand, France.  Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt   Download [PDF | 11.50KB]
Konseiga, A..  2004.  Migration, rural development and food security in West Africa.  in: Food and Nutrition Security Policies for West Africa: Implimentation Issues and Research Agendas, Proceedings Regional Workshop Bamako, Mali. Ed: IFPRI’s 2020 Vision Initiative: 97-127.

Konseiga, A.  The Role of Migration in Agricultural Innovation for Food Security.  Download [PDF | 328.75KB]
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Konseiga, A.  Regionalism in West Africa: do Polar countries reap the benefits? A role for migration.  Download [PDF | 270.23KB]
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Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Science Policy
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • South Africa
Research projects
Regional integration beyond the traditional trade benefits: Labor mobility contribution. The case of Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso Environmental Fiscal Reform In South Africa: facing up food, water and energy security demands
Working groups

Trade and Macroeconomics Group

Funding institutions



Current position at:

African Population & Health Research Center, Shelter Afrique Center, 2nd Flr, P. O. Box 10787, 00100 – GPO, Nairobi, Kenya

http: www.aphrc.org

Research partners

Research Fellow at the Institute

for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany

Research affiliation

Postdoctoral Fellow

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Department of Economics

University of Pretoria

Doctoral research funded by


Adama Konseiga

Former Junior Researcher

Private website:

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

Office E-Mail:

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