Dr. Romeo Bertolini

Country of current residence


Current position

Deputy Director

Current institute employer

NDC Partnership Support Unit



Office address

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Office phone


Office fax



Scholarship of the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (MSU) to participate in the Conference on Digital Communities: Cities in the Information Society November 4-7, 2001, Chicago. 1998, Information Society Award for University Graduates (Deutscher Hochschulwettbewerb Informationswirtschaft - IQ Info 2000) from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) for the masters thesis The Role of New Information and Communication Technology in Industrial SMEs

Professional memberships

German Geographical Society (DGfG, VGDH) and the working group on Telecommunications Geography; ITU-BDT Focus Group 7 on Telecom Development; Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (German Society for the United Nations).


Agricultural Economist


Bertolini, R.  2002.  Telecommunication Services in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Analysis of Access and Use in the Southern Volta Region in Ghana. Development Economics and Policy.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Peter Lang, Frankfurt  


von Braun, J., R. Bertolini and D. Müller-Falcke.  2001.  Armutsbekämpfung über Glasfaser und Funknetz: Telekommunikation kann dazu beitragen, die Lage der ländlichen Bevölkerung zu verbessern.  E+Z - Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 4/2001   : 118-121   .


Bertolini, R., O. Sakyi-Dawson , A. Anyimadu and P. Asem.  2000.  Telecommunication Services in Ghana - A Sector Overview and Case Studies from the Southern Volta Region.  In: Brüne, S. (eds.): Neue Medien und Öffentlichkeiten - Politik und Tele-Kommunikation in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika, Vol. 2 (Schriften desDeutschen Übersee-Instituts, Vol. 47).   166-186. 


1999.  Seibel, S.; Müller-Falcke, D.; Bertolini, R.: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Entwicklungsländern. ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 4, Center for Development Research, Bonn. 
Bertolini, R.  1999.  'Telekommunikation und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung' - ein Bericht zum ZEF-Workshop vom 31.05-01.06.1999 in Bonn.  Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 3/1999   : 28-29   .
Bertolini, R.  1999.  ICTs in Low-Income Countries: Telecommunication Services for Rural Areas..  Abstract and Poster Presentation at EFITA ´99. Bonn
Bertolini, R..  1999.  Information and Communication Technologies in Low-income Countries. An Overview of ICT-Sector Developments in Ghana and Sénégal.  Netcom 13, 3-4   : 303-316   .
Bertolini, R..  1999.  Telekommunikation in ländlichen Gebieten - Erste Internationale Konferenz in Washington, D. C..  Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 1/1999   : 34-35   .
Bertolini, R..  1999.  Information and Communication Technologies in Low-Income Countries: Trends, Potentials and Risks.  In: Franzen et al. (Eds.) (eds.): Creation of Global Communication Space in ARD - Quo Vadis?. Wageningen.  

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Doctoral research funded by

ZEF-scholarship; KfW

Cooperation partners

Lao Telecommunications Corporation, DETECON

Romeo Bertolini

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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