Dr. Dietrich Müller-Falcke

Country of current residence


Current position

Projectmanager Fiber Rollout Management

Current institute employer

Deutsche Telekom AG



Website current institute


Office address

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140 53115 Bonn Germany

Office phone

+49 228 181 82516

Office fax

+49 228 181 82906

Previous positions

1996-1998 Institute for Small Business, University of Goettingen 1998-2001 ZEF Bonn 2001-2004 Detecon International, Bonn



Degrees / expertise

Studied economics and history in Göttingen and Glasgow. He graduated in economics (Dipl. Volkswirt) from the University of Göttingen in 1996.


Müller-Falcke, D..  2006.  The Impact of ICT on Small Enterprises: The Case of Small-Scale Industry in India.  In: Torero, M. and von Braun, J (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction - The Potential of Telecommunications. Baltimore.   174-178. 
Müller-Falcke, D., Song, G..  2006.  The Economic Effects of ICT at Firm Levels.  In: Torero, M. and von Braun, J (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction – The Potential of Telecommunications. Baltimore.   166-174. 


Müller-Falcke, D..  2003.  Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Kleinunternehmen - eine Fallstudie in Indien.  In: Müller, K. and R. Paquin (eds.): Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in einer globalisierten Welt. Lohmar, Köln.  


Müller-Falcke, D.  2002.  Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Developing Counties’ Small Businesses: Evidence from Indian Small Scale Industry.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Göttingen.  Download [PDF]
Müller-Falcke, D..  2002.  Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Developing Counties’ Small Businesses: Evidence from Indian Small Scale Industry.  Development Policy and Economics Vol. 27, Peter Lang Publishers, Frankfurt et al.


Mülle-Falcke, D., J. von Braun and R. Bertolini.  2001.  Armutsbekämpfung über Glasfaser und Funknetz - Telekommuni­kation kann dazu beitragen, die Lage der ländlichen Bevölkerung zu verbessern.  Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, Jg. 42, Nr. 4   : 118-121   .
Müller-Falcke, D..  2001.  Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies by Small-scale Enterprises in Developing Countries.  International Small Business Series No. 27

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Land use and food security
Research countries
  • India

Studied economics and history in Göttingen and Glasgow. He graduated in economics (Dipl. Volkswirt) from the University of Göttingen in 1996.

Doctoral research funded by


Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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