Dr. Katharina Gallant

Research themes
  • Knowledge
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
Research countries
  • Bolivia
Working groups

Malabo Montpellier Panel


Social Representations in a Postmodern Society / Indigenous Concepts of a Peaceful Coexistence (at Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin)


PhD Historical Ethnology at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany

M.A. North American Regional Studies, Comparative Literature, Ethnology at Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University in Bonn, Germany

M.Sc. Psychology at FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

B.Sc. Psychology at FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany


Gallant, K. F..  2024.  Indigenous Discourse for Peaceful Coexistence: Engaging in Intercultural Polylogue for Tackling Global Challenges.  Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, 15(2)   : 1-21   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Gallant, K. F..  2024.  Indigeneidad y digitalización: sobre el espacio social físico y virtual en Bolivia.  Conocimiento, poder y transformación digital en América Latina . Peter Birle / Astrid Windus (eds.).   157-170.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Gallant, K.F., & van der Noll, J..  2024.  Jews and Muslims in German Print Media: Integration and Multiculturalism Versus Antisemitism and Islamophobia.  Palgrave Macmillan. Cham. Further Information
Gallant, Z. & Gallant, K.F..  2024.  Entnazifiziert euch!: Wider den Mythos der Vergangenheitsbewältigung.  Westend. Frankfurt. Further Information


Gallant, Z. & Gallant, K.F..  2023.  Nazis all the way down: The myth of the moral modern Germany.  Westend. Frankfurt/Main. Further Information


Gallant, K. F..  2022.  The “good” refugee is welcome: On the role of racism, sexism, and victimhood when fleeing from war.  DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series, 8/3   : 8   . Further Information
Gallant, K. F..  2022.  Social Media as the Spatiotemporally Unconfined Cult of the Dead.  In: Saša Bosančić, Reiner Keller (eds.): Diskurse, Dispositive und Subjektivitäten. Springer.   155-171.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Gallant, Z., K. F. Gallant.  2022.  Brauner Boden: Ein jüdischer Blick auf die deutsche Aufarbeitung der NS-Zeit.  Westend academics. Frankfurt/Main. (Open Acess) Further Information


Gallant, K.F..  2021.  Trump Plays the Devil - The Devil Plays Trump.  In: Frederiksen, M. D., and Knudsen, I. H. (eds.): Modern Folk Devils: Contemporary Constructions of Evil. Helsinki UP.   117–134.  (Open Acess)  Further Information


Katharina F. Gallant.  2019.  „Ich weiß, dass ich alleine nicht weiß“: Soziale Repräsentationen von Wissen generiert im diversen Hochschulbildungssetting.  In: Sandra Eck (eds.): Forschendes Lernen - Lernendes Forschen. Beltz Juventa.   46-65.  Further Information
Katharina F. Gallant.  2019.  Discursive Re-Foundation of an Intercultural Abya Yala: Morales’ Discourse in the Midst of Crisis and the Tradition of Protest.  In: Eleonora Esposito, Carolina Pérez-Arredondo, José Manuel Ferreiro (eds.): Discourses from Latin America and the Caribbean: Current Concepts and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan.   33-68.  Further Information


Katharina F. Gallant.  2014.  Evo Morales und Barack Obama zwischen Kulturdialog und Kulturkonflikt: Brücken der Interkulturalität in Abya Yala und America.  Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie, Vol. 34 at  Department of Historical Ethnology, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt.  Weißensee Verlag Berlin  

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Katharina Gallant

Researcher Project Management

Economic and Technological Change


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