Prof. Dr. Kristof van Assche

Research themes
  • Development Politics
Research projects

I worked with ZEF on the Khorezm Project in 2010 and early 2011, on transitions, in land use and land use planning, more broadly transitions in rural governance. Since then, I kept working with ZEF, with Anna- Katharina Hornidge, Anastasyia Shtaltovna, Nodir Djanibekov, Ihtyior Bobojonov, Michael Eichholz and others on various publications. Recently, I became involved in a project on Tajikistan and Georgia. I am interested in institutional transitions, evolutions of spatial and environmental governance. For more information please see my website. There you can also find a publication list. On academia you can find more full papers and abstracts. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available for questions, research cooperation, co- supervision of students. Website: Academia: Linkedin:

Additional Information:

Planning, Governance & Development, Faculty of Extension & Faculty of Science, University of Alberta/Canada


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Senior Fellow

Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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