Dr. Charles Takoyoh Eyong

Country of current residence


Current position

Manager of Agric. Projects


Social Scientist


Human Ecology

Degrees / expertise

VUB, Belgium

09.2002 – 09.2003:Master of Advanced Studies in Human Ecology with Great Distinction.


10.2001-06.2002: Postgraduate Diploma in Human Ecology with Distinction.


University of Buea, Cameroon

10.1997 – 06.1999: BSc. (Hons) Sociology and Anthropology and Journalism and Mass Communication as Minor with 2:1 honours.

Professional experience

02/2001 - date: Manager of Agricultural Projects, Mbonweh Women`s Development Association. Administrative tasks, co-ordinate activities of various field staff and report progress to the executive. Organised training workshops, draft and fundraising for poverty alleviation and empowerment projects. Supervisor: Maindze Alexslis

05/1999 -01/2001: Junior consultant. CSSC - Consultancy for Social Sciences, Cameroon. Conducted socio-economic surveys; RRA and PRA studies was data analyst. Extensive fieldwork for Nature conservation projects in Cameroon on resettlements. Supervisor: Dr. Kai Schmidt-Soltau.


02/2000-10/2001: Administrative assistant, Human Health Alert - NGO. Worked at the Drug Information Centre (D.I.C.), provided counseiling, held public lectures, fundraising and other administrative tasks. Supervisor: Mr. Kamndem Joseph, Pharmacist.


1999 - 2000: Assistant research consultant for the DED - PCC - CBC. In-service training programme Bamenda. Organised data base, evaluation instruments and reporting systems for 3 months.


09/1998-12/2000: Volunteer, Mbonweh Women`s Development Association. Worked with agricultural projects officer, to supervise and trained women farmers on eco-farming techniques and other administrative tasks. Supervisor: Mr Maindze Alexslis Nyuyfoghan.


Eyong, C.  2009.  The Dilemma of Integrated Conservation and Development in the Korup National Park, Cameroon.  Thesis at  ZEF.  Further Information


Eyong, C.T..  2007.  Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development in Africa: Case Study on Central Africa.  In: Boon, E.K., and Hens, L. Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Sustainable Development: Relevance for Africa. Tribes and Tribals Special Volume No. 1, 264 pages Download [PDF | 186.44KB]
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Eyong, C.T. and I.I. Foy.  2006.  Towards Alternative strategies for Sustainable Development in Africa, Int. J. Sus. Dev. Plann. Vol. 1, No. 2 (2006) 133–156.  Download [PDF | 193.28KB]
Download (english) [PDF | 193.28KB]
Download (german) [PDF | 193.28KB]


Boon, E. and C.T. Eyong.  2005.  History and Civilisations: Impacts on Sustainable Development in Africa.  Regional SD Review: Africa, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOL.   Further Information


Eyong, C.T., M. Mufuaya and I.I. Foy.  2004.  Literature and Culture - The Sustainability Connection from an African Perspective.  Regional SD Review: Africa, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).   Further Information


Eyong, C.T.  2003.  Poverty eradication and sustainable development in Cameroon.  Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa Vol. 5, No. 2, : pp30-58   . Further Information
Eyong, C.T. and T.O. Mbuagbo.  2003.  Assessment of the Hygiene and sanitation Campaign in Cameroon.  Journal of Environment, Sustainability and Development. Vol. 4 No 4, : pp 391- 402   . Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

b9b1_Charles_CV.doc [DOC | 85.50KB]

Research themes
  • Ecosystem services
Research countries
  • Cameroon
Working groups

ZEF a, Human Ecology Department - VUB, TESA-VUB, University of Buea, Cameroon, Mbonweh Women's Development Association, Cameroon

Professional experience
02/2001 - date: Manager of Agricultural Projects, Mbonweh Women`s Development Association. Administrative tasks, co-ordinate activities of various field staff and report progress to the executive. Organised training workshops, draft and fundraising for poverty alleviation and empowerment projects. Supervisor: Maindze Alexslis 05/1999 -01/2001: Junior consultant. CSSC - Consultancy for Social Sciences, Cameroon. Conducted socio-economic surveys; RRA and PRA studies was data analyst. Extensive fieldwork for Nature conservation projects in Cameroon on resettlements. Supervisor: Dr. Kai Schmidt-Soltau. 02/2000-10/2001: Administrative assistant, Human Health Alert - NGO. Worked at the Drug Information Centre (D.I.C.), provided counseiling, held public lectures, fundraising and other administrative tasks. Supervisor: Mr. Kamndem Joseph, Pharmacist. 1999 - 2000: Assistant research consultant for the DED - PCC - CBC. In-service training programme Bamenda. Organised data base, evaluation instruments and reporting systems for 3 months. 09/1998-12/2000: Volunteer, Mbonweh Women`s Development Association. Worked with agricultural projects officer, to supervise and trained women farmers on eco-farming techniques and other administrative tasks. Supervisor: Mr Maindze Alexslis Nyuyfoghan.

VUB, Belgium

09.2002 – 09.2003:Master of Advanced Studies in Human Ecology with Great Distinction.


10.2001-06.2002: Postgraduate Diploma in Human Ecology with Distinction.


University of Buea, Cameroon

10.1997 – 06.1999: BSc. (Hons) Sociology and Anthropology and Journalism and Mass Communication as Minor with 2:1 honours.

Research affiliation

Poverty, Resource Conservation, African cultural, economic and political organisations, Sustainable Development issues and the Knowledge Society

Doctoral research funded by


Cooperation partners

Consultancy for Social Sciences, Cameroon

Mbonweh, Cameroon

Charles Takoyoh Eyong

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Cultural and Political Change

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