Prof. Dr. Yuansheng Jiang

Country of current residence

P.R. China

Current position

Director, Zentrum fuer Deutschlandforschung (ZDF)

Current institute employer

Sichuan Agricultural University



Website current institute

Previous positions

vice Director of Library of Sichuan Agricultural University




Agricutural Economics, Health Economics and Management

Degrees / expertise

Bachelor of Agronomy, 1991, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha;

Master of Agricultural Economy, 1998, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yaan


Professional experience

1991-1995, lecturer in Sichuan Agricultural University;

1998-2000, Lecturer in Sichuan Agricultural University


Jiang, Y., and J. von Braun.  2005.  The Economic Costs of Illness and Coping Strategies of Rural Households in West China - An Empirical Study with Samples from Sichuan Province.  Chinese Rural Economy, 251 (11)   : 33-40   .


Jiang, Y.  2004.  Health Insurance Demand and Health Risk Management in Rural China.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Peter Lang Verlag , Frankfurt   Download [PDF | 11.16KB]

Industrialization of Fishery——New Subject of Sichuan Fishery. 
On the expansion of interest-rate risk of commercial bank and the strategy. 
Positive Study on the Operation of Agricultural Policy Credit Fund--at the level of counties. 
Positive Study on the Operation of Agricultural Policy Credit Fund--at the level of districts. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Environmental and climate change
Research countries
  • China
Professional experience
1991-1995, lecturer in Sichuan Agricultural University; 1998-2000, Lecturer in Sichuan Agricultural University

Bachelor of Agronomy, 1991, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha;

Master of Agricultural Economy, 1998, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yaan


Doctoral research funded by

Scholarship from China, research funds from BMZ/GTZ

Yuansheng Jiang

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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