December 16, 2020 | 14:50 h - 16:20 h.
Virtual event with Bonn Water Network partners.
» moreVirtual event with Bonn Water Network partners.
» moreby Pallav Das (Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group)
» moreZoom lecture at Dies Academicus of Bonn University
» moreby Prof. Matthew McCabe (Professor of Remote Sensing and Water Security, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
» moreVirtual kick-off event.
» moreEmerging development policy issues and implications for development research was the overall topic that three experts' panels discussed at ZEF on Thursday, September 27. Among the panelists were members of ZEF's International Advisory Board such as Hans van Ginkel, Lisa Sennerby Forsse, and Carolina Vera.
» moreThis week's "Alternative Wednesday" will remind us of the consequences of the ever increasing demand in gold. The double feature screening of two short documentaries by Aljazeera will be shown on Wednesday, October 10.
» more
ZEF will host an international academic conference on “Agricultural knowledge and knowledge systems in post-Soviet societies” on September 12 – 13, 2013. International experts will meet to discuss issues such as cultures of knowledge production and sharing.
» moreThe first major Crossroads Asia conference on "Figurations of Mobility" will be held from November 22-24, 2012 in Berlin. This conference aims to provide a forum to discuss approaches of figurational sociology with the objective to re-conceptualize Area Studies. Theoretical advantages and shortcomings will be related to concepts such as networks or translocality and empirical case studies.
» moreThe competence network 'Crossroads Asia' convened an international conference on 'Figurations of Mobility' in Berlin on November 22-24. Conrad Schetter, acting director of ZEF, chaired the kick-off panel on figurational analysis within the context of area studies.
» morePlease note:
ZEF is an interdisciplinary research institute with a focus on research in, with, and for the Global South. In our public lectures series, external invited speakers talk about their work and express their own opinions, ideas and views which do not necessarily constitute ZEF’s official position.