Screening on Documentary Series "Spotlight on the Pearl”

March 2, 2020 | 17:00 h - 18:30 h

Documentary Screening

Venue: ZEF, Genscherallee 3, 53113 Bonn. Right conference room, gound floor

"Spotlight on the Pearl” is a documentary series produced and directed by Akello Joanita and Kwesiga Wahab, who  visited 17 districts in Uganda to collect information regarding traditions and social norms. So far, two episodes have been released.

“Community and Bond” focus on the Acholi of Northern Uganda. Different interviewees delve into various aspects of communal living, traditional channels of education (Wang oo), reconciliation and justice system (Mato oput), courtship, music and dance.

“North-Eastern Heights” explores customs and norms among the Karamojong: the concepts of dowryand marriage, gender roles, economic activities, non-verbal communication cues, and social networks.

The aim of the series is to showcase the diverse cultures of Uganda and their history, to help us understand how cultural structures within a community have an impact on individual attitudes and beliefs.

We will have the opportunity to talk with one of the directors of the documentary after the screening, as Akello Joanita is visiting us for the event.

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