ZEF Public Lecture: WiBACK - Connecting the Unconnected

June 1, 2023 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h

We'd like to invite you to ZEF's Public Lecture!

Topic: WiBACK - Connecting the Unconnected

Speaker: Dr. Mathias Kretschmer (Head of the Network Research (NET) group at Fraunhofer FIT)

The lecture will be held in hybrid mode, so you are also welcome to join us online via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Ysce-hrzgjG93ZHPXCXg-cKNSRb2G78uPr


Empowering rural areas with access to the benefits of the Internet remains an issue to be tackled urgently on both technical and regulatory grounds. Especially in the Global South, wired communication is not feasible due to the topographical terrain and the geographical dispersion of the sites to be connected; instead, wireless technologies, which require comparatively little fixed infrastructure, are usually the only viable proposition for near-future adoption. In this talk, we will present the Fraunhofer WiBACK Technology and discuss how it helps to close the Digital Divide.


Dr. Mathias Kretschmer holds a Dipl-Ing. degree in communications engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany and a PhD degree in Computer Science from Brunel University, United Kingdom. He joined Fraunhofer FIT in 2005 where he heads the Network Research (NET) group which develops WiBACK (https://wiback.org), a cost-efficient networking solution for the Global South.

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