Book presentation: "Fiscal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development in China: Rebalancing in Guangdong" by Professor Ehtisham Ahmad.

October 24, 2018 | 16:00 h - 17:00 h

You are cordially invited to a presentation of the new book: "Fiscal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development in China: Rebalancing in Guangdong" by Prof. Ehtisham Ahmad.

Date: Wednesday October 24, 2018 at 4:00 PM
Venue: ZEF, right conference room, ground floor.

About the speaker:
Prof. Ahmad has been Visiting Senior Fellow at the Asia Research Center at the London School of Economics LSE (2010-2017), and Senior Fellow at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn (2010-2017). During 1990-2009, he held senior positions at the International Monetary Fund, and was previously on the Core Team of the World Bank’s 1990 World Development Report on Poverty. He has also been Special Advisor to the Finance Minister of Saudi Arabia (1996-98, on leave from the IMF). He co-directed, with Nicholas Stern, a program of research on Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms in developing countries (during the 1980s), and was Director of the Development Economics Research Program, STICERD, LSE (1986-1990) and Deputy Director of the Development Economics Research Center at the University of Warwick (to 1986). Ahmad has had considerable experience in designing and implementing reforms on Tax and Social Policy; Sustainable Development; Public Financial Management and Governance in Latin America, Middle East, China, Indonesia, South Asia, and selected African countries. He has authored or co-authored 12 books, and numerous journal articles and reports for international agencies and governments.

Fiscal policies to ensure sustainable development must address the management of risks, address spatial imbalances and interpersonal inequality; and improve the environment and quality of life, and are highlighted in the volume on Sustainable Development in China. Reflecting the broad policy choices in China in the recent past and in the immediate future, the volume also illustrates the challenges and opportunities in the context of Guangdong, which has piloted many of the economic reforms since the early 1980s. Most of the papers are by distinguished Chinese academics, and policy makers with a deep understanding of the Chinese context. They provide a basis for additional work in defining policy options that are consistent with the priorities of the medium-term action plan of the government, announced in December 2017.

Preview of the book Fiscal Underpinnings for Sustainable Development in China: Rebalancing in Guangdong<link file:6258 - download "Opens internal link in current window"> here</link>.

Extended summary of the book<link file:6433 - download "Opens internal link in current window"> here</link>.



Joachim von Braun

Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun


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