"Infrastructure - relations to risks and uncertainties in development".

January 4, 2012 | 12:30 h - 14:00 h

This lecture on “Infrastructure - relations to risks and uncertainties in development” will be held by

Dr. Jean-Jacques Dethier, Research Manager Development Economics (DEC) at the World Bank, and Adjunct Professor at the Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University, Washington DC.


Chair: Joachim von Braun, ZEF-Director

Discussant: Fabrice Renaud, UNU in Bonn


For more information on Dr. Dethier see: http://econ.worldbank.org/external/default/main?authorMDK=93399&theSitePK=469372&menuPK=64214916&pagePK=64214821&piPK=64214942


This lecture is part of the seminar series on "Risk and Uncertainty for Sustainable Development", which is co-organized by ZEF and the United Nations University (UNU) in Bonn.


Joachim von Braun

Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun


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