ZEF CPC Colloquium: Is there a future beyond extractivism? Tree plantation extractivism in Chile - legitimation strategies and resistance

January 22, 2025 | 11:00 h - 12:00 h

The group of Cultural and Political Change (CPC) invites you to a ZEF colloquium. 

Topic: Is there a future beyond extractivism? Tree plantation extractivism in Chile - legitimation strategies and resistance

Speaker: Alejandro Mora Motta, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Global Heritage Lab, University Bonn

Join via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/65600205560?pwd=D8QG40y2NvtD2wadcO5HXXerIvhaTL.1

Abstract: Presentation of his book “Tree Plantation Extractivism in Chile: Territories, Fundamental Human Needs, and Resistance” (1st ed.). Routledge, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003392521
Alejandro’s book relates extractivism, territorial transformation, fundamental human needs, and resistance through the case of pine and eucalyptus monoculture plantations in southern Chile. He argues that an extractivist logging enclave was configured as a long-term process, reordering human-nature relations. He will discuss the ‘greening turn’ that extractivism uses as a legitimation strategy, how it unfolds in the case of tree plantations, and the role of resistance in the search for alternatives to resource extraction.

Dr. Alejandro Mora Motta is a ZEF CPC alumnus and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Global Heritage Lab, University Bonn. Alejandro’s work covers transdisciplinary fields such as political ecology, ecological economics, critical development and heritage studies. His interests address the social, political and cultural effects of extractivism, climate change, and socio-ecological transformation.


Andreas Gohlke

Andreas Gohlke


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