ZEF CPC Colloquium: Is there a growth imperative inherent in our financial system?

December 18, 2024 | 11:00 h - 12:00 h

The group of Cultural and Political Change (CPC) invites you to a special ZEF colloquium. 

Topic: Is there a growth imperative inherent in our financial system?

Speaker: Felix Fuders, Right Livelihood College Guest Researcher  

Join via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/67249636536?pwd=Wrh3NXkutVjgc0OfPsxrCg7igBKobf.1

Abstract: Whether or not there is a growth imperative inherent in our monetary system is an ongoing discussion in ecological economics. Conventional economic wisdom still does not recognize the existence of a growth imperative inherent in our monetary system. The presentation explains why our current monetary system obliges to grow and discusses and discards each of the arguments brought forth against the exitance of a growth imperative inherent in our monetary system.

Felix Fuders: Master of Arts in International Business Administration, Ph.D. in Economics and Social Sciences (both University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany). Professor and researcher at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Currently he serves as Director of the Economics Institute as well as coordinator of the Right Livelihood College, Valdivia. Director of the Economic Policy chapter of the Transdisciplinary Research Center for Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation (TESES). He has been a visiting professor at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany and at University of Applied Sciences Münster, Germany and visiting researcher at the RLC Campus at University of Bonn, Germany.

Felix Fuders is author and co-author of numerous publications regarding Regional Economic Integration (EU and MERCOSUR), Regulatory Economics as well as Ecological Economics and Monetary Policy. He developed an endogenous development index that builds on the Human-Scale-Development-approach and measures development based on the subjective perception of the satisfaction of fundamental human needs. His main research focuses on studying economic as well as moral-ethic problems inherent in our financial system that he believes to be the most relevant but least recognized reason for market failure. He is convinced that the effect that the money interest rate exerts on money supply and aggregate demand is not fully understood, and that many social, economic and especially ecological problems find their roots in an inadequate monetary policy. 

Felix Fuders is the chairman of the Foundation Natural Economic Order, Frankfurt, member of the Association for Sustainability, Berlin, the Network Sustainable Economics, Berlin and the International Society for Ecological Economics, Boston, co-founder of the Max-Neef Foundation. He has published in internationally renowned publishing houses such as Palgrave MacMillan, Springer, HART Publishing or Duncker & Humblot and is a regular speaker at congresses and scientific meetings at national and international levels.


Andreas Gohlke

Andreas Gohlke


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