ZEF at DIES Academicus of the University of Bonn
December 3, 2014 | 12:30 h - 14:30 h
ZEF researchers will present their work at the upcoming DIES Academicus of Bonn University on Wednesday, December 3, 12:30 - 2:30 pm.
Venue: Lecture hall III (Hörsaal III) in the University's main building.
The talks will be given in German:
12:30 pm Dr. Wolfram Laube: : Kultureller Wandel, Bildung und soziale Mobilität im ländlichen Ghana
1:00 pm Dr. Katja Mielke: Afghanistans Flüchtlinge, Rückkehrer und Staatenlose - aktuelle Einblicke
1:30 pm Julia Schöneberg: Zwischen Paternalismus und Partnerschaft: NGOs in Haiti
2:00 pm Hendricus Andy Simarmata (talk in English): Informal Flood-Risk Management at the Community Level in Kampung Muara Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia