ZEF Public Lecture on Governing Transnational Commons: How International Treaties and Multi-Stakeholder Organizations Shape Cooperation and Conflict

February 6, 2025 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h

Title: Governing Transnational Commons: How International Treaties and Multi-¬ Stakeholder Organizations Shape Cooperation and Conflict
Speakers: Prof. Dr. David Antons & Dr. Christina Dienhart

When common pool resources such as freshwater, clean air, and fisheries span national borders, the collective action problems encountered are particularly severe. This study explores the role of polycentric governance systems in overcoming these pressing problems, which frequently underlie global grand challenges. Integrating political economy and management research, we hypothesize about how two governance mechanisms – international treaties and multi-¬ stakeholder organizations – shape the likelihood of cooperation and conflict between countries. Leveraging unique, longitudinal data capturing interactions of countries bordering international river basins, our empirical analysis reveals two main findings. First, we find that the specification of multi-¬ stakeholder organizations enhances water-¬ related cooperation and reduces water conflict among countries, while the specification of international treaties enhances cooperation but does not affect conflict. Second, we find that leaving one of these governance mechanisms less specified than the other actually improves, rather than harms, relationships between countries. Our findings point to a superior governance configuration that simultaneously enhances cooperation and constrains conflict. This configuration combines: (1) treaties that establish property rights but leave procedural rules and uncertainty management provisions less established with (2) multi-¬ stakeholder organizations that define processes for making decisions, sharing information, engaging the public, and resolving disputes.

Biography of the Speakers:
Dr. Christina Dienhart is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University. As the head of the research areas for sustainable and regional innovation, she leads a team of 14 doctoral students, focusing on sustainable innovation ecosystems, regional transformation, and water governance. An expert in stakeholder integration, strategy development, governance, and the promotion of regional innovation projects, her current research explores the governance of freshwater resources in transboundary river basins. Dr. Dienhart earned her PhD in regional innovation ecosystems at RWTH Aachen University. Prior to her academic role, she worked at PwC in the Public Sector & Energy Consulting division, specializing in the digitalization of energy providers and smart city applications. She holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Management (M.Sc.) from Edinburgh Napier University and a Master’s degree in International Management (M.A.) from the International School of Management in Dortmund.

David Antons is a professor at the University Bonn and former co-director of the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He received his PhD from the RWTH Aachen working in close cooperation with the university’s Psychological Institute. He held visiting appointments at the universities of Cambridge and Melbourne. His research interests include knowledge sharing across organizational, spatial, and disciplinary boundaries; psychological influences on decision-making; individual learning from feedback; and text-mining approaches. His recent contributions have been published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Perspectives, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Product Innovation Management.
The presentation will be in hybrid mode; the in-house colleagues are expected to attend in person. Please be also invited to join us for coffee/tea and cookies after the public lecture.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/69805604162?pwd=9yCw4XskpS07kiFaSTaTlLHjLo7 1WJ.1


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