
ZEF co-organized workshop in Gujarat in India on Health
December 21, 2012. 

Around 30 experts from urban planning and public health met in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on January 24, 2013, to link scientific output with practical experience. 'Are we getting crowded, thirsty and sick? Urbanization, water management and human health' was the title of this workshop that ZEF co-organized with the Indian Institute of Public Health in Gandhinagar

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Latest issue of ZEF news just published!
December 10, 2012. 

In ZEF number 26 you can read, among other topics, about tackling climate change in West Africa, improving irrigation management in Punjab, fostering agricultural growth among the marginalized and poor and you can the interview with the new junior professor at ZEF, Jan Börner.

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ZEF doctoral studies program in international comparison
December 04, 2012. 

The final report of the CODOC project is published. CODOC stands for Cooperation on Doctoral Education between Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe and deals with the growing international dimension in doctoral education. It was launched by the European University Association (EUA), ZEF and Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).

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ZEF co-organizes session at first Global Soil Week
November 28, 2012. 

ZEF co-organized a session on "The economics of land degradation" with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/GIZ at the first Global Soil Week held in Berlin, Germany, from November 18-22, 2012. The Global Soil Week is an annual multi-stakeholder event on sustainable soil and land management issues across the world.

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Most innovative farmer of Upper East Ghana wins Motor Tricycle
November 09, 2012. 

The winners of the Upper East Ghana Farmer Innovation Contest 2012 were celebrated on Farmers’ Day in Paga, 2 November 2012. The first prize went to John Akugre Anyagre, a farmer from Tilli. The Farmer Innovation Contest was initiated by ZEF and implemented together with the Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA).

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Right Livelihood Campus Bonn meets again at ZEF
September 04, 2012. 

Two laureates of the Right Livelihood Award and 15 PhD students supported by DAAD are going to meet at ZEF on September 21-23, 2012. The two laureates are Dr. Helena Norberg-Hodge from India and Dr. Sulak Sivaraksa from Thailand. Watch the videos!

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ZEF Friends' Prize for best doctoral thesis awarded
August 20, 2012. 

Alam Mondal from Bangladesh received the "ZEF Friends" Award for the best doctoral thesis written at ZEF in 2010-2011. Alam Mondal wrote his thesis about renewable energy technologies in Bangladesh (2010). His doctoral research was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

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Doing responsible business: Summer school in Bonn
August 20, 2012. 

ZEF co-organized the “Bonn International Summer School on Responsible Business 2012“, held from August 26 to September 1, 2012.

The international summer school brought together leaders and ‘agents of change’ with the goal of designing future responsible business solutions

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Prof. Daniel Bromley gave a lecture at ZEF
July 05, 2012. 

The lecture "Vulnerable people, vulnerable states: redefining the development challenge" was held on Thursday, July 5 as part of the seminar series on "Risk and Uncertainty for Sustainable Development", which is co-organized by ZEF and the United Nations University (UNU) in Bonn.

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ZEF at Global Media Forum's plenary on "The fight for knowledge"
June 27, 2012. 

At the plenary session on "The fight for knowledge: Opportunities and risks of educational work in conflict and crisis zones" ZEF deputy director Conrad Schetter held the key note address. This year's Global Media Forum of Deutsche Welle in Bonn took place from June 25-27.

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June 19, 2012. 

We sadly take notice of Prof. Elinor Ostrom's passing away on June 12. As a Nobel Prize laureate, a distinguished professor and director at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, now the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and, above all, as a researcher and author of countless publications, she continues to influence ZEF's research agenda in developing countries.

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First PhD student graduates at "Centre of Excellence" in Accra
May 31, 2012. 

Michael Ayamga tells about his doctoral studies at the Ghanaian-German Division for Development Studies, which is run by ZEF and ISSER and belongs to the five "Centres of African Excellence" initiated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2008.

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Alternative Nobelprize winners guests at ZEF again
May 29, 2012. 

Anwar Fazal from Malaysia, Nnimo Bassey from Nigeria and Zafrullah Chowdury from Bangladesh, all laureates of the Alternative Nobel Prize, are guests at ZEF during the upcoming Right Livelihood College workshop week from June 2-10, 2012. They meet and work with 21 doctoral students from all over the world.

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