IFPRI-TCSP Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 10

October 23, 2004.  


To access a web version of this newsletter, click here



In this issue:



o Announcements

o Institutional Profile

o Network Profile

o Courses/Workshops

o Conferences

o Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions






IFPRI Materials

Food Subsidies in Developing Countries: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Options

The book Food Subsidies in Developing Countries: Costs, Benefits, and Policy

Options, edited by Per Pinstrup-Andersen and published in 1988 by Johns

Hopkins University Press for IFPRI, is now available for download in PDF

format. To download, visit www.ifpri.org/pubs/books/ppa88.htm.


IFPRI Dataset

Malawi: Complementary Panel Survey (2000-2002)

The Complementary Panel Survey is a continuation of the work undertaken by

the Malawi Poverty Monitoring System (PMS) since 1997 in collaboration with

the Malawi National Statistical Office, the National Economic Council, and

the Center for Social Research of the University of Malawi, along with the

technical assistance of IFPRI. The program encompasses the implementation of

a regular detailed Integrated Household Survey. The PMS was conceived as

part of the Government of Malawi's Poverty Alleviation Programme, launched

in 1994. The dataset includes information on education, morbidity, food

security and coping strategies, labor and employment, income, expenditures,

and transfers. For ordering information, visit



PovcalNet: An Interactive Computational Tool for Poverty Data

PovcalNet, developed by the World Bank's Research Group, is a web-based

interactive computational tool that can be used to estimate the extent of

absolute poverty in the world, replicating calculations made by the World

Bank. The tool enables users to calculate poverty measures under assumptions

such as different poverty lines or Purchasing Power Parity values and to

assemble the estimates using various country groupings. PovcalNet does

real-time calculations from an annually updated database. For more

information, visit iresearch.worldbank.org/PovcalNet/jsp/index.jsp.


Involving the Community: A Guide to Participatory Development Communication

This book by Guy Bessette, published by Southbound in association with

Canada's International Development Research Center, is intended for people

working in research and development. It introduces participatory development

communication concepts, discusses effective two-way communication

approaches, and presents a methodology to plan, develop, and evaluate

communication strategies. The book seeks to address the following questions:

How can researchers and practitioners improve communication with local

communities and other stakeholders? How can two-way communication enhance

community participation in research and development initiatives and improve

the capacity of communities to participate in the management of their

natural resources? How can researchers, community members, and development

practitioners improve their ability to effectively reach policymakers and

promote change? For more information, visit



Eldis Re-Launches Food Security Resource Guide

This newly updated online Food Security Resource Guide gives in-depth

coverage on a broad range of food security issues, with new sections

including food aid, nutrition, coping strategies, urban food security,

social protection and regional and country-specific food security profiles.

For more information, visit www.eldis.org/food.



Institutional Profile


Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

ACIAR is a statutory authority that operates as part of the Australian

Government's development cooperation programs. The Centre encourages

Australia's agricultural scientists to use their skills for the benefit of

developing countries and Australia. Its mandate directs activities to

developing countries in five regions, namely Papua New Guinea and the

Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, North Asia, South Asia, and Southern

Africa. Research is also allocated across regions through funding to the

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers.

ACIAR's functions are to commission research into improving sustainable

agricultural production in developing countries, fund project-related

training, communicate the results of funded research, and conduct and fund

development activities related to research programs. For more information,

visit www.aciar.gov.au.



Network Profile


Food Agriculture, and Natural Resource Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

FANRPAN is a forum that brings together key stakeholders to facilitate and

promote the analysis, implementation, and evaluation of effective policies

in the food, agriculture, and natural resource sectors. It aims to provide a

forum for discussion of problems and potential solutions; facilitate

provision of high-quality, policy-relevant information to policymakers and

decisionmakers; and support dialogue forum processes with solid analytical

research and analysis, capacity building, information exchange, and sharing

of best practices. The main policy areas for FANRPAN intervention are trade,

land policy reform, and natural resource management. FANRPAN activities are

currently in Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa,

Zambia, and Zimbabwe. For more information, visit www.fanrpan.org.






Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR),


Title: International Course on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Location: Cavite, Philippines

Date: February 28-March 18, 2005

Fees: US ,500


Monette Pacia/ PME Course Coordinator

Regional Center for Asia

Education and Training Program

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction

Y.C. James Yen Center

Km 39 Aguinaldo Highway


Cavite 4118


Phone: 63-46-414-2417; Fax: 63-46-414-2420

Email: Monette.Pacia@iirr.org/ Education&Training@iirr.org



The IMA International Ltd, United Kingdom, is offering the following



Donna Kelly

Course Administrator

IMA International Ltd

Randolphs Farm

Brighton Road


West Sussex


United Kingdom

Phone: 44-0-1273-833-030; Fax: 44-0-1273-833-230

Email: post@imainternational.com / Faye@imainternational.com


Title: Managing Development Projects, Programmes, and Organizations

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Date: November 29-December 10, 2004

Fees: £ 2,600

Web: www.imainternational.com/mdppot2004.php


Title: Research Promotion for Development

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Date: February 7-11, 2005

Fees: £ 1,500

Web: www.imainternational.com/rpdtfeb2005.php


North America

Organization: Coady International Institute at St. Francis Xavier

University, Canada

Title: Certificate in Asset-Based Approaches to Community Development

Location: Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Date: May 2-20, 2005

Fees: $ 3,000 (Canadian dollars)

Deadline: March 14, 2005 (application)


The Admissions Officer

Coady International Institute

St. Francis Xavier University

P.O. Box 5000


Nova Scotia

Canada B2G 2W5

Phone: 902-867-3953; Fax: 902-867-3907

Email: coadyreg@stfx.ca





The EcoMod Network, United States, is offering the following Winter School

2005 courses:


Theresa Leary

EcoMod Network

33 Tara Circle


Massachusetts 01062

United States

Phone: 1-413-586-3203

Fax: 1-413-517-0900

Email: theresa.leary@ecomod.net


Title: Practical General Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS

Location: Washington D.C., United States

Date: January 10-15, 2005

Fees: US ,760

Web: www.ecomod.net/courses/cge_introduction/introd_course.htm


Title: Advanced Techniques in General Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS

Location: Washington D.C., United States

Date: January 10-15, 2005

Fees: US ,760

Web: www.ecomod.net/courses/cge_advanced/advanced_cge.htm


Title: Trade Policy Modeling with GAMS

Location: Washington D.C., United States

Date: January 10-15, 2005

Fees: US ,760

Web: www.ecomod.net/courses/cge_trade/trade_cge.htm


Organizations: Center for Global Trade Analysis at Purdue University, United

States and University of Crete, Greece

Title: 13th Annual Short Course in Global Trade Analysis

Location: Crete, Greece

Date: June 18-24, 2005


Judy Conner

Global Trade Analysis Project

Purdue University

United States

Phone: 1-765-494-4267; Fax: 1-765-496-1224

Email: connerjr@purdue.edu; Web:







Organization: International Society for Horticultural Science, Australia

Title: Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional


Location: Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Date: July 19-23, 2005

Fees: AUD 875 (ISHS members) and AUD 965 (non ISHS members) before April 30,

2005 and AUD 975 (ISHS members) and AUD 1,065 (non ISHS members) after April

30, 2005

For more information, visit muresk.curtin.edu.au/conference/ishscm/

or email Peter J. Batt at p.batt@curtin.edu.au.



Organizations: International Institute for Environment and Development

(IIED), United Kingdom; Latin American Center for Rural Development

(RIMISP), Chile; and Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), The Netherlands

Title: International Seminar on Regoverning Markets

Location: De Burcht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: November 18, 2004

For more information, visit




North America

Organizations: Institute of Market Analysis and Agricultural Trade Policy

(FAL), Germany and Center for Global Trade Analysis at the Purdue

University, United States

Title: 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

Location: Radisson SAS Senator Hotel, Hanseatic city of Lübeck, Germany

Date: June 9-11, 2005

For more information, visit



Organization: National Agricultural Biotechnology Council, United States

Title: Agricultural Biotechnology: Beyond Food and Energy to Health and the


Location: Nashville, Tennessee

Date: June 27-29, 2005

For more information, visit




Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions


Organization: Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, Canada

Title: Grants for Developing Country Researchers Studying Poverty Issues

Eligibility: Targets researchers residing in developing countries

Deadline: November 30, 2004


John Cockburn/ Sonia Moreau

Co-director/ Administrative secretary

Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network


Department of Economics at Laval University

Quebec City

Quebec G1K 7P4


Phone: 1-418-656-2131 ext 2697; Fax: 1-418-656-7798

Email: jcoc@ecn.ulaval.ca/ sonia.moreau@ecn.ulaval.ca


Organization: Rothamsted International, United Kingdom

Title: Rothamsted International African Fellows Programme

Eligibility: African citizen or researchers whose scientific work is based

in Africa and directed to problems of relevance to Africa; the optimum age

range is 27-45 years; women are encouraged.


Judy Mann

Rothamsted International




United Kingdom

Phone: 44-1582-763133 ext. 2475; Fax: 44-1582-467490

Email: judy.mann@bbsrc.ac.uk







"There must be a better way to make the things we want, a way that doesn't

spoil the sky, or the rain or the land."


Sir Paul McCartney








If you or your organization would like advisory assistance for a training

program you are planning, please contact IFPRI's Training for Capacity

Strengthening Program by emailing Suresh Babu at s.babu@cgiar.org or Valerie

Rhoe at v.rhoe@cgiar.org.





Information provided in this newsletter was retrieved from brochures,

websites, list serves, or list-serve members. IFPRI does not necessarily

endorse the views of the organizations listed here.





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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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