ZEF-director Joachim von Braun gives key note at FOOD2030 Conference of EU

October 17, 2017.  

ZEF- Director Joachim von Braun gave a presentation titled "The food systems approach - Europe and emerging African and global perspectives by the Inter Academy Partnership" at the FOOD2030 Conference about "<link http: ec.europa.eu research conferences food2030 external-link-new-window internal link in current>Harnessing research and innovation for FOOD2030: A science policy dialogue", held by the European Commission in Brussels on October 16, 2017.

In his briefing he spoke about the project on Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture Science by the Inter Academy Partnership <link http: www.interacademies.net external-link-new-window internal link in current>(IAP) and the project’s European component by European Academies Science Advisory Council (<link http: www.easac.eu external-link-new-window internal link in current>EASAC), as well as science policy implications for emerging economies.

You can read and watch the presentation <link file:4128 download internal link in current>here.




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