ZEF news magazine just published

February 17, 2011.  

Read the latest edition of our "ZEF news" and learn more about: dryland afforestation for climate change mitigation, options for improving water use efficiency in South Africa, participatory forest management in the Kakamega Forest in Kenya, the social impact of dam building projects in Ethiopia as well as climate change and the media in West Africa.


The issue - presented in a new design - also includes an interview with Dr. Adobea Owusu, coordinator of the Excellence Development Studies Program in Ghana and another interview with Grace Villamor, a ZEF PhD student from the Philippines who conducts her doctoral research in Indonesia.


Please download the latest ZEF news edition in either english or german here.


Printed copies of our ZEF news can be ordered free of charge (Phone: ++49 228 73- 6124 or -1846; E-Mail: presse.zef@uni-bonn.de).


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