ZEF co-organized workshop in Gujarat in India on Health

December 21, 2012.  

About 30 experts from urban planning and public health met in Ahmedabad to discuss and debate the preliminary findings from the research Project ‘Urbanization, Water Management and Human Health in Ahmedabad’. The workshop was aimed to share the preliminary findings from the project with government officials, practitioners and research communities.


As remarked by Dr. Vijay Kohli, Deputy Medical Officer, Department of Health, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, the workshop was the “first gathering I attended where health department and city engineer department were jointly discussing urban health. In the past whenever there was an outbreak of water-and vector-borne diseases the department of health officials were called, but the department of city engineers was never involved.”


The following questions were on the agenda:


1. To what extent does rapid urbanization translate improved drinking water and sanitation into better human health?

2. To what extent do the current water supply and sewerage networks influence human health in selected wards?

3. What are the diverse sets of factors influencing health risk among the households?

4. How do various factors confound in influencing health risk?

5. What strategies do people adopt to overcome their ill-health?


You can download the full workshop report below.

Saravanan V.S.

ZEF Senior Researcher

Email: s.saravananatuni-bonn.de



Saravanan Subramanian

Dr. Saravanan Subramanian


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