Pontifical Academy of Sciences releases declaration "Our planet, our health, our responsibility"

November 08, 2017.  

The<link http: www.casinapioiv.va content accademia en.html internal link in current> Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Rome released a Declaration titled "<link http: www.casinapioiv.va content dam accademia pdf declaration_health.pdf external-link-new-window internal link in current>Our Planet, our Health, our Responsibility" about Climate Change and Health.

The declaration draws attention to the consequences of climate change on people's and planetary health. It was released this week by the Academy's President and ZEF-Director Joachim von Braun, V. Ramanathan and other Academy members among them Jeffry Sachs, and Bishop Marcelo Serondo.

On November 12, Joachim von Braun, in his function as President of Pontifical Academy of Sciences, met with the Director of the World Health Organization (WHO)<link http: www.who.int dg tedros biography en internal link in current>Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Bonn to present and discuss the Declaration of the Academy on "Our Planet, our Health, our Responsibility". They  stressed that health must be central to policies that stabilize climate change and calls for rapid reduction of hazardous air pollutants.


Joachim von Braun

Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun


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