ZEF embarks on German-Bolivian partnership about biodiversity
May 07, 2015.
The "German-Bolivian Partnership for integrating biodiversity measures in environmental impact assessments" will initiate a long-term partnership between the Department of the Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB) in Cochabamba (Bolivia) and the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of Bonn University.
The partners intend to work on a better appreciation and a more appropriate implementation of biodiversity accounting in Bolivian environmental impact assessments and beyond with the aim of minimizing the gap between academia and practice and by strengthening the science-policy interface.
Despite its abundant natural resources Bolivia remains one of the poorest country in South America, The strong political focus on economic growth has led to rising pressures on natural ecosystems and other serious threats to the environment and biodiversity. Like in many other countries, Bolivia reacted to this environmental pressure by introducing environmental impact assessments. These are used to evaluate the environmental consequences of investments and development activities before they are implemented – with the goal of minimizing the negative impacts on the environment.
In Bolivia, environmental impact assessments are usually carried out by environmental engineers. Although these experts are highly professional in their own field of experience, they often lack the appropriate tools and methods to take biodiversity into account.
Nonetheless, Bolivia’s great diversity of ecosystems and outstanding natural capital calls for a stronger consideration of biodiversity-related indicators in environmental impact assessment. These indicators need to be developed and adapted to local conditions and requirements. This is where the partnership project comes in and sets off.
For more information look at the<link http: www.zef.de external link in new> project Website.
The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for a three-year period.