Helmholtz PhD Program

August 31, 2004.  

Helmholtz PhD Program of the Helmholtz Research Network "Integrated Earth Observing System" (HGF-EOS)


The Helmholtz research fields "Earth and Environment" and "Transport and Space" have been linked in a Helmholtz Research Network "Integrated Earth Observing System" (HGF-EOS) for the purpose of concentrating expertise and sharing infrastructure and data, initially in three research programs: Ocean & Cryosphere, Disaster Management and Land Surface Processes.


Sea Level Change: Causes and Consequences


a.. The determination of global and regional sea level variations and corresponding heat and fresh water balances using numerical models for ocean circulation and sea surface topography, which also assimilate satellite and in situ data

(Prof. P. Lemke, AWI-Bremerhaven)



b.. The analysis and interpretation of satellite data with respect to changes in the marine ecosystems as a consequence of oceanic climate variations

(Dr. R. Doerffer: GKSS-Geesthacht)




c.. The retrieval of global wind and wave climatologies from satellite radar data to be used as forcing of ocean and ecosystem models Dr. J. Schulz-Stellenfleth, DLR-OP)



• The determination of Atlantic sea level change using a combination of data from various satellite altimeter missions with in situ ocean observations and ocean model results (Prof. Ch. Reigber, GFZ-Potsdam)



Further information www.awi-bremerhaven.de/HGF-EOS



Megacities and Natural Hazards


a. Flood risk in urban areas of rapid development

(Dr. B. Merz, GFZ-Potsdam)



b. Earthquake Hazard and Risk Assessment

(Prof. H. Kaufmann, GFZ-Potsdam)



c. Concept for Crisis Information and Prevention

(Dr. H. Mehl, DLR-DFD, Oberpaffenhofen)



d. Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers and Development of Strategies

(Prof. H. Miller, AWI-Bremerhaven)



Further information www.gfz-potsdam.de/HGF-EOS



Vegetation as Resource and Climate Factor


• Modeling carbon dynamics in periglacial areas using remote sensing data

(Prof. S. Dech and Dr. K.P. Günther, DLR-DFD, Oberpfaffenhofen),



• Remote sensing of soil erosion of agro-ecosystems

(Dr. R. Ressl, and Dipl. Ing. E. Borg, DLR-DFD, Neustrelitz),



• Methane flux in permafrost regions

(Prof. J. Erzinger, GFZ-Potsdam),



• Measuring carbon dynamics in periglacial areas

(Prof. H.-W. Hubberten, AWI-Potsdam),



Further information www.dlr.de/HGF-EOS


Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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