IFPRI-TCSP Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 8

August 31, 2004.  

In this issue:


o Announcements

o Institutional Profile

o Network Profile

o Courses/Workshops

o Conferences

o Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions






IFPRI Material

What's Economics Worth? Valuing Policy Research

The book What's Economics Worth? Valuing Policy Research, published by Johns

Hopkins University Press for IFPRI, examines what economists do and how to

think about valuing their work. The authors believe that careful and

thorough economics research focusing on growth and the needs of the poor has

tremendous potential to impact the policy process and benefit the lives of

people throughout the global community. It is an excellent collection of

papers for academics, policymakers, research institutions, and others

interested in the value of economics research and analysis. For more

information, visit <http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/jhu/economicsworth.htm>.


IFPRI Dataset

Benin Small Farmer Survey

The Benin Small Farmer Survey, covering 899 farm households in 100 villages,

was conducted in 1998 by IFPRI and Laboratoire d'Analyse Régionale et

d'Expertise Sociale, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. The topics addressed in the

survey include household and land characteristics, crop production, main

agricultural activities, use of fertilizers and other inputs, source of

credit, sale and use of crops, storage, consumption, time allocation, and

sources of income, as well as community-level data on transport structure,

marketing of agricultural products, village groups, agricultural production,

extension services, and formal/informal credit. For ordering information,

visit <http://www.ifpri.org/data/benin01.htm>.


Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations launched

AGORA in October 2003. It is an initiative to provide free or low-cost

Internet access to over 500 major scientific journals in agriculture and

related biological, environmental, and social sciences. AGORA is available

to students and researchers in qualifying not-for-profit institutions in

eligible developing countries. For more information, visit



International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and

Technology (AGRIS)

AGRIS was created by FAO in 1974 to facilitate information exchange and

bring together literature on agriculture. AGRIS is a cooperative system in

which participating countries input references of the literature produced

within their boundaries and, in return, draw on the information provided by

the other participants. To date, 240 national, international, and

intergovernmental centers participate. For more information, visit



Australian Development Gateway (ADG)

ADG, developed and funded by the Australian Agency for International

Development (AusAID), is a knowledge-sharing website that supports people

working in Asia Pacific countries to reduce poverty and promote

sustainability. ADG allows for more effective collaboration through the fast

sharing of practical knowledge, further empowering users to develop policies

and programs, research issues, form alliances, and work towards sustainable

growth and poverty reduction. For more information, visit




Institutional Profile


Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)

KARI develops and disseminates appropriate agricultural technologies in

collaboration with stakeholders. Its objectives are to develop and validate

appropriate technologies and knowledge; to develop or enhance appropriate

participatory and consultative technology development approaches and

methodologies; to disseminate knowledge and technologies and catalyze the

process of outreach and adoption of agricultural technologies; to contribute

to and influence the development/change of agricultural policy environment;

to strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of KARI's

institutional capacity; and to establish sustainable funding initiatives.

For more information, visit <http://www.kari.org/>.



Network Profile


Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)

AgNIC is an alliance of the National Agricultural Library, land-grant

universities, and other agricultural organizations in cooperation with

citizen groups and government agencies. AgNIC focuses on providing

agricultural information in electronic format over the Internet. It aims to

encourage members to take responsibility for small vertical segments of

agricultural information (including basic, applied, and developmental

research; extension; and teaching activities in food, agriculture, renewable

natural resources, forestry, and physical and social sciences). The

collective AgNIC Web resource benefits members in ways that they cannot

achieve on their own. For more information, visit







IFPRI is organizing the following courses:


Cristina Sette

Training Advisor and Workshop Coordinator


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

P.O. Box 5689

Addis Ababa


Phone: 251-1-463-215 ext 277

Fax: 251-1-461-252/ 464-645

Email: c.sette@cgiar.org <mailto:c.sette@cgiar.org>/

IFPRI-ISNARLearning@cgiar.org <mailto:IFPRI-ISNARLearning@cgiar.org>


Title: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact Assessment of R&D Investments in


Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Date: November 1-12, 2004

Fees: US ,500

Deadline: October 15, 2004 (fee)


Title: Writing and Presentation of Scientific Research

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Date: December 2004

Fees: US ,800

Deadline: November 2004 (fee) and October 15, 2004 (application)



The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), Philippines, is

offering the following courses:


Monette Pacia/ Angie Poblete-Algo

Education and Training Strategic Team

Regional Center for Asia

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction


Cavite 4118


Phone: 63-46-414-2417; Fax: 63-46-414-2420/ 2423

Email: Monette.Pacia@iirr.org <mailto:Monette.Pacia@iirr.org>/

Angie.Algo@iirr.org/ Education&Training@iirr.org



Title: Participatory Approaches to Agricultural Extension (PAAEx)

Location: Cavite, Philippines

Date: September 6-24, 2004

Fees: US ,500


Title: International Course on Community-based Integrated Watershed


Location: Cavite, Philippines

Date: November 8-26, 2004

Fees: US ,700


Organizations: University Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia; International

Society for Improving Training Quality (isitQ), South Africa; Asian

Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand; and University of Illinois/National

Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), United States

Title: 6th International Workshop on Improving Training Quality (ITQ-6)

through Interactive Learning Technologies and Distance Mentoring

Location: Malaysia (phase-2) and Thailand (phase-4)

Date: September 13-October 2, 2004 (phase-1); October 4-16, 2004 (phase-2);

October 2004-April 2005 (phase-3); April 19-23, 2005 (phase-4); and

April-July 2005 (phase-5)


Ramli Mohamed/ Yoke Lim Khor

Professor and Dean/ Associate Professor and Deputy Dean

School of Communication

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Penang 11800


Phone: 60-4-653-2929; Fax: 60-4-653-2931

Email: ramli@usm.my/ ylkhor@usm.my; Web:




Organization: Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Title: Public-Private Partnerships Forum: Education

Location: Sheffield, United Kingdom

Date: September 17-18, 2004

Deadline: August 31, 2004 (abstracts)


Luiz Montanheiro

International Public-Private Partnership Study-Group

Stoddart Building

City Campus


S1 1WB

United Kingdom

Phone: 44-0-114-225-5260; Fax: 44-0-114-225-5265

Email: L.C.Montanheiro@shu.ac.uk <mailto:L.C.Montanheiro@shu.ac.uk>


Organization: Capacity Building International (InWEnt), Germany

Title: Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionelle- Outils d'évalution et

strategies d'intervention (course in French)

Location: Feldafing près du lac de Starnberg, Allemagne

Date: October 18-29, 2004


Klaus Klennert

Senior Project Manager

Rural Development, Food, and Consumer Protection

Capacity Building International (InWEnt), Germany

Wielinger Straße 52

82340 Feldafing near Munich


Phone: 49-0-8157-938-304; Fax: 49-0-8157-938-315

Email: klaus.klennert@inwent.org


The International Agricultural Centre, The Netherlands, is offering the

following courses:


Title: Agribusiness Development and Supply Chain Management

Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

Date: November 8-19, 2004

Fees: EUR 1,700

Deadline: September 15, 2004 (application)


International Agricultural Centre

P.O. Box 88

6700 AB Wageningen

The Netherlands

Phone: 31- 317-495-495; Fax: 31- 317-495-395

Email: training.iac@wur.nl; Web:



Title: Design, Analysis, and Management of Urban Agriculture for Resilient


Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

Date: December 6-17, 2004

Fees: EUR 2, 000

Deadline: October 1, 2004 (admission)


Hans Schiere

Analysis and Design of Farming Systems

International Agricultural Centre

P.O.Box 88

6700 AB Wageningen

The Netherlands

Phone: 31-317-495-228; Fax: 31-317-495-395

Email: hans.schiere@wur.nl <mailto:hans.schiere@wur.nl>/

r.van.veenhuizen@etcnl.nl <mailto:r.van.veenhuizen@etcnl.nl>

Web: <http://www.iac.wur.nl/iac/index2.htm?courses/urbag_intro.htm>



Organization: University of California at Berkeley, United States

Title: Agroecology: Principles and Practice Course

Location: Online

Date: October 4-November 28, 2004

Fees: EUR 300 (before September 24), EUR 350 (after September 24), (Farmers

and students EUR 200(before September 24), and EUR 250 (after September 24)

Deadline: September 24, 2004


Christos Vasilikiotis/ Miguel A Altieri

Professor of Agroecology

Division of Insect Biology

University of California, Berkeley

201 Wellman Hall-3112

Berkeley, California 94720

United States

Phone: 1-510-642-9802; Fax: 1-510-642-7428

Email: agroecology@porfyra.com <mailto:christos@porfyra.com>; Web:







Organization: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Kenya

Title: First International Ecoagriculture Conference and Practitioners' Fair

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Date: September 27-October 1, 2004

For more information, visit


or email Sara Scherr at SScherr@futureharvest.org



Organization: National Agricultural Advisory Services Secretariat (NAADS),


Title: International symposium on Innovations in Agriculture Advisory

Services in sub-Saharan Africa

Location: Jinja, Uganda

Date: October 10-13, 2004

For more information, contact NAADS Secretariat at ckiisa@naads.or.ug



Organization: International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa, Kenya

Title: Advances in root and tuber crop technologies for sustainable food

security, improved nutrition, wealth creation and environmental conservation

in Africa

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Date: October 31-November 5, 2004

For more information, visit


0704.pdf> or email istrcsymposium@kari.org.


Organizations: The Centre de coopération internationale en recherche

agronomique pour le développement, France; Department of Water Affairs and

Forestry, South Africa; The Water Research Commission (WRC), South Africa;

The Embassy of France in South Africa, South Africa; French Research

Consortium on Irrigation Systems; Association Francaise Pour L' Etude Des

Irrigations Et Drainge (AFEID); University of Pretoria, South Africa

Title: Water Resource Management for Local Development: Governance,

Institutions, and Policies

Location: Loskop Dam, South Africa

Date: November 8-11, 2004

For more information, visit <http://wrm2004.cirad.fr > or email Sylvain

Perret at sylvain.perret@cirad.fr.



The International Agricultural Centre, The Netherlands, is offering the

following conferences:


Title: Agro-food Chains and Networks as Instruments for Development

Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

Date: September 6-7, 2004

Fees: EUR 50 (professionals) and EUR 20 (students)

For more information, contact Hans Nijhoff at Hans.Nijhoff@wur.nl

<mailto:Hans.Nijhoff@wur.nl> or Lesley Janssens at Lesley.Janssens@wur.nl



Title: 76th International Conference on Agriculture and Development (ICAD)--

Global Animal Production: Blessing or Curse?

Date: November 4, 2004

Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

For more information, visit



Organization: University of Rijeka, Croatia

Title: 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic


Location: Pula, Croatia

Date: April 28-30, 2005

Fees: EUR 200 (for all participants) and no fees (students)

Deadline: November 15, 2004 (paper)

For more information, visit <http://www.efpu.hr/index.php?id=216>.


North America

Organization: Laval University, Canada

Title: Sustainable Development and Globalization of Agri-Food Markets

Location: Québec, Canada

Date: August 23-24 2004

For more information, visit <http://www.caes-scae.org/wk_glob_call.pdf> or

email Jean-Louis Rastoin at rastoin@ensam.inra.fr




Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions


Organization: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka

Title: IWMI Ph.D. Scholarship Program

Eligibility: Ph.D. candidates who satisfy the academic requirements to be

admissible to a Ph.D. program and want to carry out research that fits in

IWMI's research agenda or third party.


Capacity Building Officer

International Water Management Institute

P.O. Box 2075


Sri Lanka

Phone: 94-1-787404; Fax: 94-1-786854

Email: iwmi@cgiar.org

Web: <http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/about/capacity_building/phd_scholarship.htm>


Organization: Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), Uganda

Title: Robert McNamara/East African Development Bank Graduate Scholarship

Eligibility: Applicants must be under 45 years of age and possess a Masters

degree or its equivalent. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to



The Project Coordinator

Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)

P.O Box 7110



Phone: 256-41-256251/2; Fax: 256-41-342007

Email: intervarsity@iucea.org




"We must learn what sustainability means in practice if we are to apply it

to our daily lives and restore the health and vitality of our planet."


Sir David Attenborough








If you or your organization would like advisory assistance for a training

program you are planning, please contact IFPRI's Training for Capacity

Strengthening Program by emailing Suresh Babu at s.babu@cgiar.org or Valerie

Rhoe at v.rhoe@cgiar.org.





Information provided in this newsletter was retrieved from brochures,

websites, list serves, or list-serve members. IFPRI does not necessarily

endorse the views of the organizations listed here.





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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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