IFPRI-TCSP Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 9
September 17, 2004.
Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 9
In this issue:
o Announcements
o Institutional Profile
o Network Profile
o Courses/Workshops
o Conferences
o Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions
IFPRI Materials
Accelerating Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
The book Accelerating Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa, edited by John
W. Mellor, Christopher L. Delgado, and Malcolm J. Blackie and published in
1987 by Johns Hopkins University Press for IFPRI, is now available for
download in PDF format. To download, visit
New publications from the 2020 Africa Conference
New publications from the 2020 Africa Conference on "Assuring Food and
Nutrition Security in Africa by 2020: Prioritizing Actions, Strengthening
Actors, and Facilitating Partnerships," are now available from IFPRI.
Publications include a discussion paper on assessing food and nutrition
security in Africa and 8 issue briefs on topics such as child nutrition,
HIV/AIDS, women, international trade and domestic markets, market
opportunities for smallholders, capacity strengthening, and investment in
agricultural research. To order or download, visit
www.ifpri.org/pubs/catalog.htm <http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/catalog.htm>.
IFPRI Dataset
Uganda: Policies for Improved Land Management Dataset (1999-2001)
The Policies for Improved Land Management in Uganda project was carried out
in collaboration with the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the
University of Bonn, the Agricultural Policy Secretariat (Uganda), the
National Agricultural Research Organization (Uganda), and the Makerere
University Faculty of Agriculture. The long-term objective of the project
was to contribute to improved land management in Uganda by increasing
agricultural productivity, reducing poverty, and ensuring sustainable use of
natural resources. The immediate purpose was to help policymakers identify
and assess policy and institutional and technological strategies to improve
land management. The questionnaires were administered to 107 communities in
100 villages covering most of Uganda, with topics including community
concerns and priorities, establishment and change of local council
boundaries, population change, use of local council revenue, infrastructure
and services, programs and organizations, land rights, and collective
resource management. For more information, visit
Global Open Agriculture and Food University
The Global Open Agriculture and Food University of the Consultative Group on
International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) collaborates with traditional and
open universities in developing and developed countries. The university's
goal is to strengthen the capacity of postgraduate students in food and
agriculture (including livestock, forestry, and fisheries) in order to
enhance agricultural development, poverty reduction, and food security. For
more information, visit <http://www.openaguniversity.cgiar.org/>.
B-SPAN is an Internet-based broadcasting service that presents World Bank
seminars, workshops, and conferences on a variety of sustainable development
and poverty reduction issues. It streams events on the Internet, archives
them on the B-SPAN web site, offers them in their original unedited format,
and provides indexing for quick access to specific speakers. B-SPAN's
webcasts are free and available to anyone with access to the Internet. For
more information, visit <http://info.worldbank.org/etools/bspan>.
Poverty Manual
The Poverty Manual produced by the World Bank Institute provides insightful
descriptions of poverty issues. It covers the concept of poverty and well
being, poverty measurements, poverty lines, inequality measures,
determinants of poverty, and poverty reduction policies. For more
information, visit <http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/povertyanalysis/manual/>.
Institutional Profile
Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA)
REPOA, a Tanzania-based NGO established in 1994, undertakes and facilitates
research, conducts training, and disseminates information on poverty and
poverty-related issues. Its objectives are to build and strengthen
indigenous research capacity and competence to undertake rigorous
independent research on poverty issues; to build an effective and autonomous
poverty research network with local to global connections; to deepen the
understanding of poverty issues among grassroots organizations, local
researchers, research bodies, policymakers, and decisionmakers; to
contribute to the development of policies aimed at combating poverty, both
locally and globally; and to disseminate research output and forge linkages
between poverty research and interested parties, including decisionmakers in
government, NGOs, grassroots organizations, and business, academic, and
donor communities. For more information, visit <http://www.repoa.or.tz/>.
Network Profile
Global Development Network (GDN)
The Global Development Network (GDN) is a network of research and policy
institutes working together to address the problems of national and regional
development. GDN has 11 regional network partners that link research
institutes from more than 100 countries. It supports multidisciplinary
research in social sciences; promotes the generation of local knowledge in
developing and transition countries, produces policy-relevant knowledge on a
global scale, builds research capacity to advance development and alleviate
poverty, facilitates knowledge sharing among researchers and policymakers,
and disseminates development knowledge to the public and policymakers. It
aims to generate new socioeconomic knowledge for the purpose of development,
encourage the sharing of that knowledge through networking and various
dissemination channels, support the application of that knowledge to policy
in developing and transition economies and to international development in
general, and raise funds for the implementation of GDN's agenda from public
and private sources around the world. For more information, visit
Organizations: African Centre for Disaster Studies (ACDS) at the North-West
University, South Africa; United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UN/ISDR), Switzerland
Title: International Course on Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
Location: North West Province, South Africa
Date: November 1-12, 2004
Fax: 27-18-293-5266
Email: acds@puk.ac.za <mailto:acds@puk.ac.za>; Web:
Organization: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), India
Title: Short Course on Research and Development Reporting
Location: New Delhi, India
Date: October 11-15, 2004
Fees: Rs 3,500
Souparno Banerjee
CSE Media Resource Centre
Phone: 91-11-29955124/ 6110/ 6394/ 6399; Fax: 91-11-29955879
Email: souparno@cseindia.org <mailto:souparno@cseindia.org>
Web: <http://www.cseindia.org/misc/research_reporting.htm>
The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), Philippines, is
offering the following courses:
Monette Pacia
Regional Center for Asia
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Y.C. Yen James Center
Km 39 Aguinaldo Highway
Cavite 4118
Phone: 63-46-414-2417; Fax: 63-46-414-2420
Email: Monette.Pacia@iirr.org <mailto:Monette.Pacia@iirr.org> /
Education&Training@iirr.org <mailto:Education&Training@iirr.org>
Title: Gender Mainstreaming: from Programmatic to Organizational
Location: Cavite, Philippines
Date: October 4-15, 2004
Fees: US ,250
Title: Community-Based Integrated Watershed Management
Location: Cavite, Philippines
Date: November 8-26, 2004
Fees: US ,700
Organization: University of the Philippines, Philippines
Title: International Training Course on Participatory Learning and Action
for Community Development (PLA-CD) for Agricultural Systems Development
Location: Laguna, Philippines
Date: May 9-20,2005 and October 7-28, 2005
Fees: ,500
Edna Luisa Matienzo/ Myrna Tenorio
Agricultural Systems Cluster
College of Agriculture
University of the Philippines
College, Laguna 4031
Phone: 63-049-536-3229/ 2459; Fax: 63-049-536-5282
Email: eam101_1@hotmail.com <mailto:eam101_1@hotmail.com>/
almira13_13@hotmail.com <mailto:almira13_13@hotmail.com>
Central America
Organizations: International Human Dimensions Program on Global
Environmental Change (IHDP), Germany and Inter-American Institute for Global
Change Research (IAI), United States
Title: Global Environmental Change Institute on Globalization and Food
Location: Nicoya, Costa Rica
Date: October 24-November 6, 2004
International Human Dimensions Program on Global Environmental Change
Walter-Flex-Strasse 3
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: 49-0-228-739679; Fax: 49-0-228-739054
Email: ihdp@uni-bonn.de <mailto:ihdp@uni-bonn.de> / i2004-geci@dir.iai.int
Web: <http://www.institutes.iai.int/2004GECI.htm>
The IMA International Ltd, United Kingdom, is offering the following
Donna Kelly
Course Administrator
IMA International Ltd
Randolphs Farm
Brighton Road
West Sussex
United Kingdom
Phone: 44-0-1273-833-030; Fax: 44-0-1273-833-230
Email: post@imainternational.com <mailto:post@imainternational.com> /
Faye@imainternational.com <mailto:Faye@imainternational.com>
Title: Issues, Themes, and Strategies in Development Management
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Date: September 20-October 1, 2004
Fees: £ 3,000
Web: <http://www.imainternational.com/itsdmuk2004.php>
Title: Monitoring and Evaluation in Development
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: November 29-December 10, 2004
Fees: £2,600
Web: <http://www.imainternational.com/medt2004.php>
Organizations: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Kenya; Equator Initiative,
Unites States; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Kenya; and The
World Conservation Union, Kenya
Title: First International Ecoagriculture Conference and Practitioners' Fair
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: September 27-October 1, 2004
For more information, visit
<http://www.ecoagriculturepartners.org/pdfs/Updates/EP Update 7-03.pdf> or
email SScherr@futureharvest.org.
Organizations: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
(IFOAM), Germany; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Kenya; German
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany; and International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Kenya
Title: The Role of Organic Agriculture for Biodiversity: Current
Contributions and Future Possibilities
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: September 24-26, 2004
For more information, visit
Organizations: Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development
(RCMRD); Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, and Wildlife; and
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization/ United
Nations Environment Program (UNESCO/ UNEP), all in Kenya
Title: The 5th African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
(AARSE) Conference on Geoinformation Sciences in Support of Africa's
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: October 18-21, 2004
Fees: US 5 (from June 1-September 30, 2004), US 0 (Walk-in at the
conference), and US (AARSE fully paid members)
For more information, visit
Organization: University of Udine, Italy
Title: Role of Multi-purpose Agriculture in Sustaining the Global
Location: Udine University, Udine, Italy
Date: October 20-24, 2004
Fees: US 0 (developed-country participants), US 0 (developing country
participants), US 0 (developed-country students), and US 0 (developing
country students)
For more information, visit
<http://www.dpvta.uniud.it/~agroenv/docs/brochure.pdf> or email Giuseppe
Zerbi at zerbi@dpvta.uniud.it <mailto:zerbi@dpvta.uniud.it> and Sajid
Mahmood at smahmoodpk@yahoo.com <mailto:smahmoodpk@yahoo.com>.
Organizations: Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern
Europe (IAMO), Germany
Title: The Role of Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Rural
Development: Engine of Change or Social Buffer?
Location: Halle (Saale), Germany
Date: November 4-6, 2004
Fees: EUR 75
For more information, visit
<http://www.landw.uni-halle.de/iamo/forum2004/index.htm > or email
forum@iamo.de <mailto:forum@iamo.de>.
North America
Organization: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Malaysia
Title: Monitoring Science and Technology: Unifying Knowledge for
Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere
Location: Denver, Colorado, United States
Date: September 20-24, 2004
Fees: US 0
For more information, visit <http://www.monitoringsymposium.com/index.cfm>
or email Walter Reid at reid@millenniumassessment.org
Organizations: Cornell University, United States; World Institute for
Development Economics Research (WIDER), Finland; and International Food
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), United States
Title: Growing Inequality in China: Causes, Consequences, and Responses
Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, United States
Date: September 25-26, 2004
Fees: Conference will cover the travel and accommodation costs of one
presenter per paper accepted
For more information, visit
<http://www.ifpri.org/events/conferences/2004/20040925Cornell.pdf> or email
Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, at sk145@cornell.edu
<mailto:sk145@cornell.edu> or Guanghua Wan, WIDER, at wan@wider.unu.edu
<mailto:wan@wider.unu.edu> or Xiaobo Zhang, IFPRI, at x.zhang@cgiar.org
Organization: Farm Foundation, United States
Title: 7th Annual Farmer Cooperatives Conference
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Date: November 1-2, 2004
For more information, visit
Fellowships, Scholarships, and Competitions
Organization: Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA), United States
Title: Norman E. Borlaug International Science and Technology Fellows
Deadline: October 21, 2004 (application)
FAS International Cooperation and Development
Washington, DC
United States
Phone: 1-202-690-0775
Email: info@fas.usda.gov <mailto:info@fas.usda.gov>; Web:
Organization: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia
Title: Gines Mera Memorial Fellowship Fund for Postgraduate Studies in
Biotechnology and Agrobiodiversity Project
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
AA 6713
KM 17
Recta Cali-Palmira
Phone: 57-2-4450000/ 1-650-8336625; Fax: 57-2-4450073/ 1-650-8336626
Email: ciat@cgiar.org <mailto:ciat@cgiar.org>; Web:
Organizations: Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) and Agropolis,
Title: Promotion du Développement Durable dans les systèmes de Recherche
Agricole du Sud (DURAS) Competitive Grants
Deadline: October 08, 2004 (application)
The Coordinator
Project DURAS
Agropolis International
Avenue Agropolis
Montpellier Cedex 5
Phone: 33-4-6704-3747; Fax: 33-4-6704-7599
E-mail: oliveros@agropolis.fr <mailto:oliveros@agropolis.fr>; Web:
"Sustainable development is not a timid or conservative choice but a dynamic
one based on good rules
of governance"
Daniel Bernard, Chairman and CEO, Carrefour
If you or your organization would like advisory assistance for a training
program you are planning, please contact IFPRI's Training for Capacity
Strengthening Program by emailing Suresh Babu at s.babu@cgiar.org or Valerie
Rhoe at v.rhoe@cgiar.org.
Information provided in this newsletter was retrieved from brochures,
websites, list serves, or list-serve members. IFPRI does not necessarily
endorse the views of the organizations listed here.
IFPRI-STPC comes to you as a service of IFPRI.
To join this list serve, send an email message to LISTSERV@CGNET.COM. In the
body of the message write
SUBSCRIBE IFPRI-STPC <your email address>.
Copyright © 2004 International Food Policy Research Institute. All rights
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