High ranking visitors from Banda Aceh at ZEF

November 03, 2009.  

A government's delegation from Banda Aceh, Indonesia, has visited ZEF on November 2, 2009 and discussed possible collaborations in the area of capacity development in the aftermath of the Tsunami. The delegation consisted of Mr. Husni Bahri TOB (Secretary of the Province, Mr. Qismullah Yusuf (Head, Human Resources Development Division, Mr. Idris Ibrahim (Human Resources Development Division), Mr. Hizir Sofyan (Human Resources Development Division), Mr. Syarifuddin Zainal (Head of Inspectorate Office), and Mr. Saifuddin Harun (Head of Bureau for Welfare and Education.


The picture shows Mr. Husni Bahri TOB handing over a medal of the "government" of Aceh



Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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