The report "G8 Efforts towards Global Food Security"

July 24, 2009.,1.pdf


Citation from page 7:


Research/CGIAR: "We will promote agricultural research and development, and the training of a new generation of developing country scientists and experts focusing on the dissemination of improved, locally adapted and sustainable farming technologies, in particular via the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and through partnerships such as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)."( para 7 c) "We will accelerate research and development and increase access to new agricultural technologies to boost agricultural production; we will promote science-based risk analysis including on the contribution of seed varieties developed through biotechnology." (para 7 g)


G8 have increased their financial support to CGIAR centres and projects in view of increasing agricultural productivity and achieving sustainable food security and reducing poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, policy and environment. They have also been active in supporting the CGIAR reform process to make it a modern results-based, cost-effective, efficient organisation, fully integrated into the aid architecture. Furthermore G8 support several international, regional and national research organisations focused on the development of conservation agriculture, enhanced nutrition, more efficient food production, on training and capacity development in agriculture, natural resources management and biotechnologies. In the framework of the CGIAR reform the G8 have promoted the revitalisation of the Global Forum for Agricultural Research for Development (GFAR) to ensure effective and inclusive stakeholders participation (e.g. farmers" organisations, civil society, private sector) and strengthen ownership of national and regional research systems. G8 also provide assistance in transfer of technologies and best practices in the field of veterinary systems.,1.pdf


Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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